Chapter 10: Goddess?!

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"May I introduce you to my servant, Iram." Cenar said coolly.

Iram bowed. In return, Kiara shook his hand warmly.

"Iram, please get us some mint tea. After, I trust we will be left alone?" The servant nodded and hurriedly left the room to prepare the tea.

Kiara gave her grandfather a puzzled look. "Why can't he have tea with us," she exclaimed, "It's just tea, nothing serious --"

"That is where you are wrong, my granddaughter. I must tell you something of grave importance."

"Grave importance?" the girl repeated, aggravated, "Listen, you may be my grandfather, but why are you acting all melancholy? Is this some sort of funeral?!" At her words Cenar sighed.

Iram returned with the tea. He placed a tray laden with a teapot of hot water, a china teacup, a teabag, sugar and crème in front of her, doing the same to Cenar.

"My, you are a headstrong girl." he remarked.

They had forgotten Scott. "Ummm . . . I'll wait in the bedroom? Directions?" Cenar heaved another sigh. "Straight and to your right."

He was eager to leave, not wanting to witness the result of this 'important' discussion. If he didn't know Kiara any better, she would surely blow her top.

"I must tell you something of grave importance," Kiara mimicked in a sissy voice. "Go on and spit it out, mister, 'cause in case you haven't noticed, I'm really annoyed with your major gloomy attitude." She forced herself to shut up by biting her tongue. He had some explaining to do!

"Long ago, when you were born, you were chosen to become something wondrous by my advisers. They can predict the future. That something was a goddess. But not just any goddess. You were chosen to become one of the Element Goddesses. There are six of them: Earth, Fire, Water, Dark, Light, and Air. Each one of the Goddesses has a token; the easiest thing is jewelery. For instance, the Earth Goddess has a necklace with a leaf pendant which she wears around her neck. Your token we shall see about. But first I should tell you this: you are Kiara, Air Element Goddess." He changed the subject. "That is why I had to send Wildcat after you: to make your wings disappear so that you might become a goddess."

"He made it sound so threatening --"

"I know. Wildcat loves that type of stuff."

"Pain." That was all she could say.

"Oh, well if there had been the same spell with a less painful outcome, believe me, I would have done it. But alas, there was none." He smiled sadly.

The girl now plucked numbly at her neck where the ring hung.

Her grandfather's eyes brightened. "May I see it?"

She nodded somewhat reluctantly and undid the clasp, handing the ring to him. Cenar examined it closely, looking it over at all angles. Finally he gave it back to her. Kiara threaded the chain through the ring and fastened it, leaving it hanging at her throat once more.

"Fine work. A noble thing. It is good enough quality to bear magic, if you would like that to be your token."

She nodded eagerly, but she had one question. "Grandfather, what does this magic do?"

"It enables you to have sky-related power. If you're sad rain may fall from the sky, or when you are battling you could use a lightning bolt as your sword."

"Cool!" she cried.

"Now, if you'll just let me hold the ring . . ."

She obeyed, and then began to feel a weird source of energy flare at her neck where the ring hung. At the same time, the energy traveled through her entire body, making it tingle all over. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. This was soooo weird! Then, in a flash, it vanished, with only a slight blue glow from the ring. It was now officially a token.

"Can I . . . touch it?" she asked timidly.

"Touch it? Oh, yes! Go right ahead."

She did so. The ring felt warm, with only a slight fuzzy feeling to show the magic the ring now contained. It felt quite pleasant, to her surprise.

"Was it a gift?" Cenar asked, curious.

"Y --" She hesitated, but gave in. "Yes."

"From a friend of yours?" He jerked his head toward the bedroom. She realized who he meant and felt a blush creeping up her cheeks.

I don't want to talk about it." she said bluntly.

"Okay, fine by me." He held up his hands.

"Gotta let him see this." With these words she rushed into the bedroom.

She's changed so much, he thought, She'll make a fine Air Element Goddess. I'm proud of her. Exceedingly proud. He then went and seated himself on his throne, head held boldly erect.

As she made her way to the bedroom, Kiara ran over the things that had happened. When she reached the room, Scott was fiddling with the strings on his sweatshirt. Apparently this was his idea of waiting.

Iram appeared out of nowhere, shoving a tray into her hand before taking off.

She knocked politely on the wood of the door, requesting admittance. At her friend's gesture, she sat down on the bed, putting the tray beside her.

"What happened?" he asked eagerly, "Tell me everything!"

Kiara did so, not sparing any details. "It felt so weird!" she reflected.

"Quite understandable." He shuddered, not liking the idea of magic running through his veins. "So this ring really glows, now. Amazing!" There was no mistaking the awe in his voice. he reached out to touch it, but then snatched his hand back, as if he was afraid it would burn him.

"It's fine. Go ahead. It won't hurt you." she assured him.

Intrigued, Scott grasped the object to find that it was warm and fuzzy to the touch, just as Kiara had.

"It's almost as if it's humming." he commented.

The girl shrugged. "You could put it that way." she agreed.

"What is the tray here for?" he asked suddenly.

She glanced at them. It was laden with food. There were two plates, each bearing a regular portion of beans, mashed potatoes and pork. There were also two cups filled with apple juice. Besides that there were napkins and cutlery.

Scott picked up a plate, fork, and knife and began to eat. Kiara followed suit. When the two had had their fill, Scott got into bed. Kiara stared at him in surprise.

"What?" he protested defensively. "Since you're the new "Air Element Goddess", don't you think we're going to be staying here awhile?"

She had no answer to that. After thinking it over, she sighed and climbed in alongside him. It felt a bit uncomfortable sharing a bed, but it was the only one besides Cenar's.

"Night, Ki." he said as he yawned and turned over. Kiara did the same.

"G'night, Scott." In the blink of an eye, she was fast asleep.

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