Chapter 14

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"Where are we taking you guys?" Josh asked after pulling off into the wood a couple of miles down the road. They all got off the bikes and pulled them a couple of yards into the wood so that David couldn't see them from the road if he was following.

"To our hou--," Jupiter yelped when Jolene elbowed her in the side.

'Kayden is at the house.' Jolene stated in Jupiter's mind.

'Shit, I forgot. How do we recover from this?' Jupiter asked.

'I don't know.' Jolene replied.

"Guys stop leaving us out of the conversation, just tell us where to take you. Why can't you just tell us?" James stated getting annoyed.

"Umm... To the airport. You guys head home and we will pack and be on the next flight out after you guys." Jolene said hoping that would work.

"Oh yeah, that is smart. Okay we ccan do that." James said with a look of understanding. right when Jolene was going to let out a sigh of relief, James' face goes blank and he looks directly in her eyes. "Not going to happen, I'm not leaving you again. I know if you guys leave our sight you will run again. Good try but you don't know how hard it was to find you guys." James continued. He walked over to Jolene and grabbed both her hands with a loving look in his eye "You don't know how hard it was for me to be away from you." James said as he pulled Jolene to his chest and smashed his lips on hers. When he pulled away Jolene's eyes stayed closed for a second basking in the feel of being in his arms and his lips.

"I'm sorry, but this is that way it has to be," Jolene said snapping out of her trance and pulling away from James.

"Why are you being so difficult!?" James exclaimed getting angry.

"No reason," Jolene said looking down at the ground.

"Why is it every time I see you, there is something you aren't telling me?!" James said. Jolene just kept looking at the ground. James throws his hands in the air and exhales in annoyance. Josh looks over at Jupiter who looks just as guilty as Jolene.

"Jupiter, what is going on, what aren't you telling us?" Josh said trying to get Jupiter to spill the beans. Jupiter looks directly into Josh's eyes and when they make eye contact she gasps and looks away quickly.

"Nothing," Jupiter mumbled.

"Nothing is wrong, I just think it will be easier if you guys went home and we headed back after you. We don't want David and his crew knowing we are leaving right now. He will be looking for the 4 of us flying together and it will give us away." Jolene said thinking of the first excuse she could think of. Giving herself a mental high-five for how good it was and then focused back into the conversation.

"Bullshit." James states matter-of-factly. "There is something your not telling us! The last time I let you go and I'm not going to be doing that again," James finished. Jolene's heart hurt but she was too deep into the lie she couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. "Jolene answer me!"

"No.," she yelled back. James lost all control and before the girls could react James had put both of his hand on the sides of Jolene's head and used his vampire powers to look through her mind and to find out where she lives. 

"What are you doing?" Jolene exclaimed.

"I just looking through your brain to see where you live since you wont tell me," James said.

"What?! You can't do that!" Jolene said pushing him away from her.
"Too bad, I already got what I needed," James said.

"What did you see?" Jolene asked hesitantly.

"I just looked for your address," James said. Jolene let out a small breath that she didn't realize she was holding.

"Well, we aren't going to go with you!" Jupiter said.

"Yes, you are. You don't have a choice." Josh said stepping towards Jupiter.

'Should I tell him about Kaden before we get there?' Jolene asked Jupiter.

'If that is what you want. I don't know how he is going to react.' Jupiter replied.

"We are leaving now," Josh said grabbing Jupiter's arm breaking them out of their conversation.

"Wait!" Jolene yells as James and Josh are dragging them to the bikes. "Before we get there I need to tell you something." Jolene said looking at James. "The reason why I don't want you to come over is that I have a kid... WE have a kid." Jolene said gesturing between her and James. James looked at her with wide eyes frozen for a minute. Then he starts laughing.

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