A Siren Song

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I looked at the VKs and the king. Harry and I watched as they let the king into Mal's place. What was his name-- Bob, Bill, Bo, Ben? Ben! That was it. Harry wrapped his arm around me, but I pushed it off.

"Oh, come on luv. You're not still mad at me, are ya'?" I ignored him and kept looking at the group as Ben walked out without Mal. He knew Mal was here and decided not to tell me! While the VKs were talking, Ben walked away from them. Now was my chance!

I stood up from where I was and casually walked forward while humming my aunt's siren song. The Isle may not have magic, but the song was still able to enchant children and men. I 'accidentally' bumped into the king,

"I'm so sor--" I cut him off.


Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment

Come little children
The time's come to play

Here in my garden of shadows

By now, he was already entranced so I grabbed his hands and led him away from the group.

Follow, sweet children
I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and the sorrows
Weep not poor children
For life is this way
Murdering beauty and passions

Hush now, dear children
It must be this way
To weary of life and deceptions
Rest now, my children
For soon we'll away
Into the calm and the quiet

Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows

Ben was about to reach out to kiss me when he was struck in the head. Harry was behind him looking mad.

"What the hell was that?!"

"That's the exact feeling I felt." I simply said. Harry shook his head before pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry..." He muttered. We stood there for a few seconds before he fully let go of me. Just then two other pirates came. "Take the king to the ship and make sure to tell Uma. And put him in a cell." I commanded. The pirates nodded and took Ben away. Harry decided to walk up to them he kept his head down so they wouldn't recognize him.

"Ben? Ben, don't scare us like that."

"Don't scare ye?" Harry said in a mocking voice. "But that's my specialty."


"What did you do to Ben?" demanded Jay.

"What I did? I didn't do anything... at first. No no no, it was my lady who got to him."

"Who's your lady?" Carlos asked, he was almost a bit scared to find out. Harry let out a maniacal laugh and waved his hand for me to come forward. "Allow me to introduce my lady, I believe you know her." I walked out of the shadows with a grin.

"Willow?" All three muttered in question.

"Where's Ben?" Jay demanded again. Harry let out a laugh and looked at. He blushed my hair away and placed a kiss on my neck.

"Willy here lured him away, I however, nicked him." Jay looked from Harry to me.

"Willow why are you doing this? I thought we were all friends."

"Friends? With you, that's funny. I was friends with Mal, you just decided to all tag along."

"Willow, please--" I cut Jay off.

"Listen to this Harry. They use 'please' and 'thank you' now. Is that what they teach over there in Bor-adon?" I mocked, then my face grew dark, I looked at Evie.

"You know Evie, I blame you. Maybe it was the princess in you that changed her mind. Mal use to be evil!"

"Don't talk to her like that." Jay stepped in front of me.

"And what are you gonna do about it Jay? Whatever happened to long live evil?" I let out a maniacal laugh. I looked at Harry to see him smirking as well.

"What happened to you Willow?" Carlos muttered. I looked at him.

"What happened to me? Mal abandoned me, forgot about me. I don't just blame Evie, I blame all of you. Mal was my best friend, my only friend, but clearly friends are replaceable." I was about to leave, but turned to look at them. "Oh, and tell Mal that if she wants her precious king safe, she has to go to the chip shop, alone!"

Harry let out a laugh and wrapped his an arm around me as I wrapped mine around his waist. This is going to be fun...


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Come Little Children~ HARRY HOOK* BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now