Uma's Time

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"The future Lady Mal." Everyone except Harry and I clapped. Mal walked down wearing a yellow and blue dress, the colors of Auradon. I watched as she talked to the old Beast and Belle, I watched as Evie led her down and squealed about how beautiful she looked., I watched that how happy they were.

"You look lovely." Harry whispered. I gave him a smile. 

"You're not so bad yourself." I flirted. I put my attention back on Mal and her gang.

"King Benjamin!" Ben walked down, he bowed to Mal which she returned.

"Mal, I wish I had time to explain." Before he could say anything else, Uma walked out wearing the dress I got for her. I smiled and made my way upstairs and led her down towards Ben. Ben gladly took her hand and kissed it, right on the ring he gave her. I smiled at Uma.

"You look amazing." Uma gave me a smile and hugged me. "So do you." She said, then she looked back at Ben. Mal looked heartbroken and I wasn't gonna lie, it made me sad to see her like that, but I kept a calm and happy smile on.

"I'm sorry. It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection." Ben explained, which is weird, I didn't remember Uma and Ben talking about anything else but Ben trying to negotiate with her.

"What are you saying?" Mal asked.

"I'm saying--"

"It was love." Uma cut him off. "It was. I just-- I realized how alike Ben and I and, you know?"

"We are." Ben gushed, Uma let out a laugh.

"I know."

"You're so beautiful." Ben complimented.

"Ben." Ben ignored Mal and continued staring at Uma. As I walked back to Harry, Carlos grabbed my arm.

"Why are you doing this? Mal is heartbroken, haven't you had enough fun?" Carlos whispered harshly. I didn't answer, I ripped my arm away from him grip and kept walking. I looked back at Uma, who handed her bag to some girl before dancing with Ben. Mal looked like she was about to cry so I went to talk to her.

"Mal?" She turned around and looked at me. Jay was going to block my view of her but Mal stopped him. I didn't know why, but I hugged Mal. Everyone seemed surprised of my actions and took a step back. Harry gave me a confused look at I returned. I let go and faced her.

"I'm sorry this is happening to you." She nodded and began leaving, her friends followed after.

"Here." Harry handed my a rose, it was violet color.

"What's this for?" I smiled, taking the rose from him.

"To show my luv for ya', violet is after all the color of love." I smiled at him. The rose was violet, almost the same color as violet in Ben's eyes...

"He's under a love spell." I whispered. This just got real. Uma must have spelled him on the Isle.

"What are ya talking about?" Harry asked.

"Violet is the color of love, Ben's eyes had violet in it!" I said. I ran quickly to tell Mal. They were about to leave when I stopped in front of them.

"Ben's under a spell." They all looked at Ben.

"Under a spell..." Mal muttered.

"Uma has Ursula's necklace on, she must have found your spell book to make it work." I pointed at Uma who was still dancing with Ben. I felt bad for telling but this wasn't right, it was a but cruel to take over Auradon and still have Ben be 'in love' with Uma.

"And now for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece, designed especially for his lady!" We looked ahead to see a glass portrait of Mal and Ben. Everyone clapped about how beautiful it was.

"Ben did that?" Mal asked in shock.

"Yeah, he did."

"He loves you Mal, not Uma." I informed her, she smiled and grabbed my hand along with Evie's.

"Ben knew who I was all along." We walked down the steps.

"He loves the real you, M."

"Cover that back up!" Uma commanded.

"I will not!" The man, Lumiere protected. Ben stared at the portrait, before Uma called him.

"Why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben?" Uma reminded, suddenly I was pulling away from Mal and her group by someone. It was Harry who held me close by.

"I have an announcement! Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady." Ben said. His father tried to reason with Ben, but only got yelled at.

"Uh, so as my gift to her, I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all." Everyone gasped. "Fairy Godmother, bring down the barrier."

"I most certainly will not!" Fairy Godmother refused, but it only made Ben angry.

"I am your king!"

"Obey him." Uma talked to Ben.

"We better go." Harry whispered before pulling me away. I saw Mal walk towards Ben. I stopped Harry.

"We can't just leave." I held my ground and looked at them.


Sorry it's short.

And Happy Birthday to my twin,


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