So Good to be Home

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I made my way to the end of the ship where there was no people. It was quiet. My life has really changed, hasn't it? Uma and I are friends again, so are Mal and I, Harry loves me and I'm expecting his baby.

My life can't get more complicated... Right?

I looked at the Isle, my home. All I've every known. I looked back at Harry, who was chatting with Jay and Carlos. I smiled and looked at Mal, she had her arms around Ben and danced with him. This is their home, but not mine...


You know, I am a dreamer
When my heart is gold
I had to run away high
So I wouldn't come home low
Just when things went right
Doesn't mean they were always wrong
Just take this song
And you'll never feel left all alone
Take me to your heart
Feel me in your bones
Just one more night
And I'm coming off this long and winding road

I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home sweet home

Tonight, tonight

I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home sweet home

You know that I seen
So many romantic dreams
Up in lights
Fallin' off the silver screen
My heart's like an open book
For the whole world to read
Sometimes nothing , that keeps me
Together at the seams

I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home sweet home

Tonight, tonight
I'm on my way
To set me free
Home sweet home


I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home sweet home


I'm on my way
To set me free
Home sweet home

"Hey, you ready to go?" I heard Harry ask me. I nodded before grabbing my broomstick. We made our way back to the others to say goodbye.

"You're leaving already?" Evie asked, the others looked at us.

"Yeah, we have to get home." I answered.

"Or you can just stay?" Mal suggested. I smiled and grabbed her hands.

"No, we belong on the Isle." I let go of her and grabbed Harry's hand. "That's our home."

"Well then you're welcome to come back anytime." Ben exclaimed. I smiled before mounting my broomstick, Harry held my waist.

"Bye guys." I said before flying off. The barrier open enough to get in, we landed on the docks and looked around.

"Welcome home." He whispered.

I changed into some comfy clothes and made my way to Uma's shop. I saw her sitting at a table alone.

"Can I sit down?" She looked up at me and was confused.

"What are you doing here?"

"I can't just leave my captain to create chaos without me." I sat in opposite of her. "This is my home, this is were I grew up and this is were my baby is going to grow up. With people that I trust and that will protect him or her." Uma smiled and took my hand.

"I promise to protect your baby." Uma said, I hugged her. "Thanks." Suddenly Gil walked out of the kitchen with a tray of food.

"What did I miss?" Gil asked, he sat down and started eating. Typically Gil. He'll make a good godfather.

"Hello!" Harry burst in. He made his way over and sat on the chair.

"The whole gang is here." I announced. "We ride..."

"With the tide!" They finished. It was time for me to get home so I said bye and left. Once I was home, I snuck back in. I looked into Susan and Merritt's rooms to them fast asleep. Tomorrow, that leave for Auradon.

I walked into my room, I looked down and touched my belly.

"I promise to give you a happy life, but until then you better not kick me while I sleep, ok?" I laid on my bed and fell into dream...


Fire. Fire everywhere. Descending from the fire was a figure, I couldn't tell who is was or what they looked like. I watched as they created a fireball out of thin air and threw it to my direction, but it didn't hit me. Instead it flew past me and hit something behind me. I turned around to see another figure, a girl maybe about 15 or 16 years old. She had grayish-blue colored eyes and a dark hood covering her head

"It won't be that easy to get rid of me." The girl said to the other figure. "Good always wins."

"Think again, dearest. You won't win this time. I'll see you soon, for the true battle to start." The other figure snapped back. Suddenly they disappeared, leaving the girl to use magic to put the fire out...

Dream End~

I woke up in cold sweat. All I could think of were those grayish-blue eyes... the same ones that Harry has.

This isn't the end of my story... it's only just begun.


You heard her folks, the story has only just begun!

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