Surprises, surprises...

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I walked with Harry to the party, paparazzi everywhere.

"Hey you!" Some guy with a camera called. I looked at him and gave a fake smile. "Yeah you, smile for the camera!"

He flashed the light from the camera in my face, before I grabbed it by the lens.

"Get that camera out off my face before I--"

"Okay, that's enough!" Harry dragged me away to the dance floor. "You gotta chill out, don't wanna blow our cover, luv." I nodded and started dancing. I'm not gonna lie, but this was pretty fun, although not as much as the raves on the Isle.

"I'm gonna go get a drink!" I said loud enough for Harry to hear. He gave a nod and continued dancing like a jellyfish.

I grabbed a random drink and leaned against the edge of the boat.

"You don't wanna drink that." My cup was ripped away from me by Jay. "When Fairy Godmother wasn't looking, someone spiked the punch." I knew he wouldn't have done it for me, so that means that he knows.

"Thanks Jay."

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for the one you're carrying." I smirked and fully faced him. "I knew you wouldn't do it for me, that's why I'm thanking you." I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close.

"How far are you willing to go to try to hurt Mal?" He asked.

"Until Mal feels the way I felt." I hissed. "Now you better let me go, since I'm out of the barrier I can use my magic and with the full moon out I'll be a lot stronger." Jay let me go and walked away. I smirked and grabbed a cookie. I lead on the edge again and looking out at the isle.

"Hey you." Harry stood behind me and arm his arms around me.


"This is a new view, we've always looked at Auradon from the Isle, but now it's the other way around."

"Yeah, it's almost nice, a change of scenery."

"We'll be seeing a lot of that from now on." His hand traveled down to touch me belly and I placed mine over his. He kissed my head before letting go. "I'm gonna go get some snacks."

He walked away.

"I've never seen you here before." I looked to see an older man, I rolled my eyes and looked back at the sea.

"I'm new, sorta like an exchange student." I answered. I looked at him to see he was just staring at me. "Can I help you!?" I hissed.

"I'm sorry, you just remind me of an old friend with your red hair. She also had a temper." He explained.

"Are you here to mock me or something? You don't know me." I retorted.

"Well that's true, but sometimes you don't have to fully know someone. Sometimes you can guess what their like by the way they act."

"Ok then, I think your some Auradonian fellow who got his happily ever after, while your villain was sent to the Isle to live out their days in misery. You probably got the girl, played out the hero and probably have a kid who has the best life and lives carefree." I finished, he stood there chuckling.

"You're good, but that's not my story. Now it's my turn, can I take a guess?" I sighed and nodded. The man took a deep breath.

"I believe that you've been abandoned, but then found by people that you've learned to love. You would do whatever you can to make them happy, but sometimes that isn't really your power to. Give yourself a little more credit, Willow. You deserve it." I shook my head, but then realized.

"I never told you my name, who are you?" The man sighed and turned to me fully.

"It's not illegal for a father to get to know his own daughter." He answered. I immediately backed away from him.

This man is my father, the one that abandoned mother and I. "Stay away from me." I whispered, he walked closer to me. "Willow, I just want a--"

"Stay away from me!" I said louder. I saw Harry walking towards us and stepping in between.

"You heard her, stay away." Harry threatens. Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the scene. I looked back at the man to see him looking back with sadness in his eyes. I shouldn't care, he's the one that left.

"Your majesty, Adam and Belle request your presence." I heard a guard tell him, which got me confused.

Your majesty? Who is my father?


It's short, sorry!

Who is Willow's father?
What is he king of?

Think outside the box people, it's a character that no one pays attention to.

Come Little Children~ HARRY HOOK* BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now