Don't Mess with a Sanderson

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Warning: Contains language, I think...

I found Harry in an alley way, sitting on a wooden crate.


"Is it true what Uma said?" He cut me off.

"Y-yes." I stuttered. Harry took a deep breath.

"Is it mine?" He asked. Did he really just ask that? I might be evil, but I don't cheat, on people that is.

"Of course it's yours Harry!"

"How do ya' know?!" Harry yelled. I stayed silent, to be honest I was a bit afraid to answer him. I guess he got tired of waiting, because he left.

He left. Harry just walked away, didn't even look back at me. I should have followed him instead of just sitting there like an idiot. I finally stood up and went looking for him. As I walked, people looking at me and whispered. News travels fast on this island. Especially when Uma announced it.

"Well... well... well. If it isn't Willow Sanderson." Right in front of me was the son of Gaston and Gil's older brother, Gaston II. "I heard you got knocked up, it was only a matter of time."

"Leave me alone Gaston

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"Leave me alone Gaston."

"So, whose baby is it? Or do you not know?" I kept walking, tried to ignore him, trying to find Harry. Who just walks away after finding out there going to be a dad? Wait-- don't answer that!

"If you wanted to get pregnant you could have just asked. Would have gladly do it myself?" He let out a laugh. What a pig!

"Don't you have someone else to torment?" I hissed, but that only made him smirk. I turned around to walk away but he kept talking.

"I've seen you walk around here like you own the place just because you're friends with Uma and her crew. Just because my brother is your friend doesn't do you shit. You're still that weak little girl who had no friends. Now you're just a little girl who got knoc--" I turned around quickly and slapped him hard making him fall to the ground.

"You don't get to talk to me like that! I am the night and I am a pirate with powerful friends who would gladly take you down if you disrespect me again!" I yelled out, everyone around us were hiding and watching. I have him one last glare before looking at everyone else.

"That goes for the rest of you. If you mess with me or my unborn baby, you'll regret it!" With that I walked away. Once I was far enough I let out myself cry. Maybe I was weak.

I went back home where mother and my aunts sat on the couch. Susan and Merritt sat on each side of aunt Mary.

 Susan and Merritt sat on each side of aunt Mary

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Mother looked at me and stood up

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Mother looked at me and stood up.

"What were you thinking child?! Having a baby, and with that pirate no less

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"What were you thinking child?! Having a baby, and with that pirate no less."

"It's not like Harry and I planned it--"

"Harry Hook?! That's even worse! The men of the Hook family are nothing but pirates and tyrants." I shook my head and run up to my room. I heard footsteps follow and my door open. Mother walked in and sat next to me.

"Mother... I'm afraid." I whispered. She held me close and rubbed my back.

"All the world shall be yours, my dear. You will get through this." She was soothing me, she's only ever done this when I was little and had nightmares. "When the baby is born, it will be your decision on what to do."

My decision. Keep my baby... or give it up.

Harry POV

Harry walked back to the ship where Uma waited for him. Uma had her arms crossed and a frown on her face.

"You knew?" Harry asked.

"She told me just a few hours ago."

"I have the right to know. That could possibly by my baby."

"What do you mean possibly? Of course it's yours, whose else would it be?" Harry just shrugged and Uma got the memo. "Oh my Isle, do you ask her if the baby was yours?"

"Yeah, so?"

"You're an idiot, Harry! You have to go and apologize."

"I'm ya' first mate, Uma!"

"And Willow is my best friend, I just got her back from Mal. I am not about to lose her again! You are going to go apologize to her. That's an order!" Uma made her way towards the captain's quarters when she looked back at Harry.

"Harry, you know Willow. She may be evil like the rest of us, but she loves you." Uma walked away.

Harry made his way home where his father, Captain Hook waited. "I heard the rumors, but is it true?" Hook asked eagerly.

"Yeah..." Hook jumped up in excitement.

"Woah hooooo!!!"

"So... ya not mad?"

"Mad? No! I'm furious, but the Hook family is expanding, and with the our blood and the blood of a Sanderson witch this child will be unstoppable."

"At first I was hoping you would get together with Ursula's daughter, but the Sanderson blood line goes back centuries. This child may be our one way out of this dump." Hook grabbed Harry and pulled him close.

"Stay close to the red-head, Harry. She and her family will decide what happens to this baby. All you need to do is be apart of her family."

All Harry did was nod.


I'm kicking it up a notch!!

This chapter must have... 20 STARS PLEASE!!!!

The first people that gives this a star get a dedication, because that's all I can do. :(

Come Little Children~ HARRY HOOK* BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now