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I've been feeling sick since I woke up. It was 10:42 in the morning, it was the day Uma and the rest of us were finally going to be free. I packed a bag with food and went to the ship. There, Harry was pacing back and forth until he noticed me. He quickly rushed towards me and picked me up.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for leaving or even doubting that the baby is mine. I love you. I love you. I love you." He spoke quickly but clearly. With every word he would kiss me. I giggled and hugged back. When he let me go he placed his hand on my belly.

"We're gonna have a baby. Baby pirate!" He laughed.

"Wait... you love me?"

"Yeah, I love you."

"I love you too, Harry Hook." I smiled before looking behind him to see Uma smile.

"I hope that you keep your promise of me being godmother." Uma said, her face was serious but her eyes held some playfulness. Gil was beside her with a smile.

"No promises." I sang. After a while, I let go of Harry and I made my way towards the cells in the ship where the king was at the moment. I noticed a pirate was asleep on the chair, so I kicked the chair making the guy fall. He jolted up and pointed his sword at me.

"You're really gonna fight a pregnant girl?" I asked sarcastically, well everyone already knows so why not just embrace it. He put his sword down.

"Get upstairs and go help Uma." I commanded, he nodded and left. I grabbed a chair and placed it in front of Ben's cell. He starred at me and gave me a frown.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked him, he shook his head.


"Good, you wouldn't have liked what they wouldn't served." I took out a bag of chips and tossed it in the cell. He gladly, but hesitantly took them. It was dead silence, except for him munching on the chips.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"The names Willow."

"What did you do to me, cause one minute I was walking and the next I'm suddenly following you "

"I sirened you."

"You what?"

"I used my family's enchanted song to lure to you like my aunt Sarah did to all those kids."

"Sarah? Sarah Sanderson? And red hair, your mom is Winifred Sanderson."

"You're smarter then you look. I still can't see what Mal sees in you." I muttered. Ben started at me with a frown.

"She talked about you on our first date."

"Then why did she forget about me? Can you answer me that?"

"Please just let us go home and you can go with us. You can... raise your baby there." I scoffed and looked away.

"You won't do shit, King Ben. I have my home here, I have my family, my friends, and the guy I'm in love with." I stood up and walked out. "And my baby will be just fine."

"If Mal isn't here by twelve you're going swimming with the sharks." I stated. Once I was up on deck, I was gently pinned to the wall by Harry. He gave me a smile and kissed me. His hand found its way to my cheek.

"How do ya' fine?" He asked. How did I feel? I was moody, hungry, tired...

"Indecisive." I said. He smiled and led me to the side of the ship where we looked at Auradon.

"Soon, all of this will be ours." Soon...


Willow sat in her bedroom, spray painting the walls with green, violet, and black paint. She's only been in Uma's crew for three months, but she got the hang of it.


She heard a tap and looked at the window.

Tap! Tap!

Outside her window stood Harry Hook with a handful of pebbles, preparing to throw more at her window. She stood outside her balcony.

"Are you trying to break my window, Hook?"

"Just trying to get your attention, Sanderson." Willow rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as Harry started to climb up to the window.

"I'm bored, so I decided to bother you." He said with a grin, Willow walked back inside and grabbed a spray paint can. She tossed it at Harry, who caught it.

"Make yourself useful then and paint that side." Willow pointed at the wall opposite of hers. They got to work, neither of them said anything.

"So, you got a boyfriend?" Harry asked out-of-the-blue.

"Do you care?"

"No, just curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"So... is that a no?" Willow put the can down and looked at him.

"Why are you all of a sudden curious about my love life?" Harry scoffed and shook his head.

"I'm not-- I just... I'm... uhh..." Willow shook her head and made her way slowly towards Harry.


"Y-yeah?" He stuttered. Willow placed her hand on his chest.

"Can I tell you something?" She whispered in his ear before wrapping an arm around his neck.

"Yes." He whispered back. Maybe he thought she was going to kiss him, well he was sadly mistaken...

"Get out of my room." Willow said before pushing him onto the balcony and closing the window. Harry raised his arms in confusion.

"Let me in!" He yelled from outside. Willow smiled and closed her blinds.

That when Harry Hook knew he was in love with the red-haired witch, Willow Sanderson.


Does Harry really love Willow or is he doing what his father said?

First vote gets a dedication.

Come Little Children~ HARRY HOOK* BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now