Estoy seguro que te haré feliz. Con un beso, te haré sonreír.

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It was already late at night and Luna was exhausted, she skated until Roller closed. She tried to find a distraction the entire day so that she would stop thinking about what went down a few days ago. It worked for a while. But of course she had to bump into him so from then on, she couldn't think about anything else. Just the look on his face when he saw her, she had no idea why but it seemed like he had a look of regret on his face. Even though he was the one who said it was best to break things off for good and that he didn't love her anymore. She could get so frustrated sometimes by this one guy but she can't forget Matteo at all.

She was already asleep when she heard a weird noise. It woke her up. She was still a little sleepy when she tried to find out where the noise was coming from. But then she realized that something was constantly tapping against her bedroom window.

When she was awake enough, she realized that someone was throwing rocks at her window. She wondered who it could be so she looked out of the window in the mansion's garden and she saw Matteo standing there. She had no idea what he was doing here. She decided to ignore it because she wasn't sure if she was still dreaming or not? So she chose to close her eyes again and she hoped that she was just dreaming.

Unfortunately for her, she wasn't. Matteo waited for Luna to answer him. When she didn't, he decided to not give up, not this time. He would do anything to feel her warmth again and to see her smile because of him. He wanted to talk it out now, he didn't want to wait until tomorrow because that way, he won't be able to sleep all night long. He tried to enter through the back door, he hoped that someone was still awake so that the door won't be closed. He was lucky because Rey was still putting some documents in order. Luckily he was doing this in the dining room so no one would be in the kitchen.

He entered the mansion and went up the stairs to Luna's room. He was hesitant to knock on her door, he didn't want her to send him away before he was able to say a word so he just walked into her bedroom, very silent of course. He didn't want anyone to find him.

He looked over at her and saw that she was asleep, he hated to wake her up but it was or never. He walked over to her bed and shook her arm a little. He was very careful because he knew that if she had one of her dreams and someone woke her up, she could hit him hard.

"Mhm." Was the only noise she made.

"Luna, wake up please." He whispered. He kept tugging on her arm until she finally opened her eyes.

"Huh? What's going on?" She said, almost inaudible.

"It's me, Matteo." He whispered again.

"Matteo, what are you doing here?" she said sleepily.

"I need to talk to you."

"At this hour?" She was very much awake now.

"I couldn't wait." He shyly admitted.

"You are just sneaking into my house definitely too late for you to be here and my parents have no idea, what were you thinking?" she let out a little angry.

"All I could think about was you and making up with you." He said a little startled by her reaction.

"Tell me tomorrow. You could get caught if you stay any longer." She pointed at the door to tell him to leave.

"I won't leave until I tell what I came here to tell you." He demanded.

"Fine, I'm listening." She sighed, a little annoyed because of the situation.

He sat on the side of her bed and started talking: "I shouldn't have done what I did. I never should have broken things off with you. I didn't know how much I love you until now. I'm sorry I didn't realize that before. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for everything."

"If you're so sorry, why did you break up with me in the first place?" He could read the anger in her eyes even if it was very dark in her room.

"I was scared. I never felt anything this strong for anyone. It made me afraid. I guess I was afraid of my own feelings." He looked away to make sure she didn't notice the tears welling up in his eyes. "But I'm not afraid anymore. Now I know how much you mean to me. How much I need you in my life. Can you forgive me? Or is that too hard for you?" he looked her in the eyes with his last questions. Hoping to find a reaction in her eyes but he couldn't read anything in them.

"I don't know Matteo. You really hurt me and it's not that easy to forgive." She told him in a soft voice.

"I understand." Disappointment clearly heard in his voice.

"I need time to think."

"Sure, I'll wait for as long as you need me to." He took a deep breath and stood up. "Just know that I love you very much." With that, he left and went back home. They both couldn't sleep all night long.

The next morning, she texted him to meet after school so they could talk. He waited for her at the park near school.

"Hey." He said as soon as he saw her.

"Hi, thank you for meeting me." She sat down on a bench near them. "I thought about what you said last night and I know the answer."

"Okay, that was quick." This made him worry.

"I thought about this very hard and I want to tell you that I love you too." She took a deep breath and continued. "I want to give you another chance but it's going to take me a while to forgive." She warned him.

He took her in his arms because he was so happy to hear this. "I promise you that you won't regret this. I will do anything to make this work. I know that if I want to, I can make you really happy."

She frowned because she was worried that she had made the wrong choice. Matteo seemed to ignore this and pulled her in for a kiss. He was careful, he didn't want her to pull away but if she wanted to, he gave her a chance to do so. But she didn't pull away, instead she made the kiss deeper. When they pulled apart, she had a huge smile on her face. It made him smile as well. Because of that, she knew she had made the right choice.

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