First Strangers, Then Friends

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Luna was alone tonight. Her parents went out to celebrate their wedding anniversary and her best friend was going out with her new boyfriend. All of her friends already had plans to meet so when she asked them, they couldn't because they didn't want to cancel on the others. So she decided to buy a new movie so that she could have a date night with her tv and popcorn. She got herself excited about it.

She already had a movie in mind, she saw it at the cinema with her friends. It was a musical of some sorts and she absolutely loved that movie so she wanted to see it again. She heard that it got released on dvd just a few days ago and the sales were going through the roof. She decided to go to a dvd store down the street from her. It was a Friday night and everyone was going out so the store wasn't crowded when she entered.

She looked around to find the movie, after a long time of searching. She found it at the rack with all the popular movies. She saw that there was only one copy left. When she was about to take it. Suddenly, hands got in the way and they took the dvd with them.

When she looked up to see who had taken the copy, she saw a guy that couldn't be much older than her. He had beautiful brown eyes that immediately stand out once you look at him. He has brown hair. She thought that he looked very pretty.

Apparently she said the las thought out loud because she saw the smirk appearing on his face, it seemed like a smirk that says he won something. She couldn't think about that triumphant smile and she forgot to be a little embarrassed when she took a look at his lips. Those beautiful lips. She had to snap out of it and fight for that movie instead of drowning into his eyes or looking for hours at his perfect features.

"That dvd is mine." She snapped at him.

"I didn't realize there was a name on this one." He looked at the cover of the dvd to mock her.

"Seriously, give it to me. I was here first so this one is mine." She put out her hand to take the movie from his hands but he didn't let her. He still had that triumphant smile on his face during their interaction, she wanted to slap it from his face but she resisted the urge.

"Technically, I had it first. I was a little faster than you." The smirk kept staying on his face. She started to get irritated because of him.

"I was here first." She wasn't planning to give up any time soon.

Suddenly Matteo had an idea and a mysterious smirk replaced the triumphant one on his face.

Luna frowned because she had no idea what was going to happen next.

"I might have an idea." He approached her slowly. "We both came here to buy the same movie but there is only one dvd left, let's split the cost and watch it together. I have popcorn at home." He put on one of his flirtiest smiles for her but she didn't give in right away.

"And why should I go to your house? I don't even know who you are."

"We can get to know each other while we're watching the movie." He raised one if his eyebrows suggestively.

"Thanks but no thanks." She said as she pushed his head away from hers because she found that it was dangerously close. "I'd rather spent my night being bored than watch a movie with you."

He put one hand on his chest to pretend like he's hurt by her words. "That's impossible. I'm the best company you could ever have. You know, I'm a pretty great guy." He smiled at her, trying to persuade her.

"Arrogant much." She said with disgust dripping audibly in her voice.

"Come on, you like that." He just wouldn't give up.

She did have to admit that she liked the idea of spending some time with this complete stranger. What could possibly go wrong if she goes to his house? He didn't seem too bad, except for his extreme arrogance. "Fine." She sighed. "We'll watch it together."

He had a sincere smile on his face now. He was so glad that she agreed to his proposal. This night wasn't going to be as lonely anymore for both of them.

"Before we go, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Matteo Balsano."

For the first time since she met him, she smiled and said: "My name is Luna Valente." They shook hands.

"Huh, Luna. Does that mean you shine as bright as the moon at night?" he frowned, trying to look he was serious but she didn't believe him.

"We'll see about that, won't we?" she tried to flirt with him because all of a sudden, spending time with him doesn't seem so bad. Especially when they were going to have banters like this one all night. Because she has to admit that she really likes to banter with him.

They paid for the dvd together and when they left the store. Matteo showed their ride to his house. It was an expensive car with a chauffeur. She was honestly surprised by this, she never expected this from him.

But her surprise didn't stop there, when they arrived at his house. She was aww struck by how big the house was and so beautiful.

"Do you seriously live here?" she asked to make sure that she wasn't dreaming.

"Yes, I do." He smiled sincerely. "What? You didn't think I would live in a house like this?"

"I should've guessed. Your attitude should have given it away." She said thoughtfully.

"Well, maybe you're not as smart as you appear to be?" he tried.

"What? I am very smart. I have very good grades at school, you know?" she looked angry.

He put his hands in the air to show that he surrenders: "Okay, okay. I guess I'm going to have to believe you. Ready for the movie?" he asked to get him out of the situation.

"Okay, sure." He led her to the living room and set everything up to watch it. His housekeeper went to make some popcorn. They both settled onto the couch.

About halfway through the movie, there was a very emotional moment and Luna couldn't help but cry and Matteo took this chance to put his arm around her shoulder to comfort her and she rested her head on his chest. He could see them doing this every Friday. He hoped she would see it the same way.

When the movie was over, she rushed back up when she realized how they were sitting. She dried her tears and told him: "Thank you for tonight. I had a really great time tonight." She smiled faintly.

"I had a great time as well." He smiled shyly. He was scared of the answer she was going to give when he would ask his next question: "Perhaps, we could watch another movie next Friday." He looked hopefully. He really wanted to spend as much time as possible with her.

"That would be nice. I guess we'll see each other next week then." She said as she was getting ready to leave.

"Are you already leaving? Maybe you can stay a little while longer and then we could get to know each other a little better." He asked a little shy and unsure and uncomfortable.

"Sure, why not?" she said and she gave him one of her brightest smiles. He loved that smile and he wouldn't want it to fade away, ever. Somewhere deep inside of him, he wished that one day he was going to be the reason for all of her smiles and happiness but he knew that it was way too soon to think about it so he tried to forget the feeling.

She sat down on the couch and they talked until late at night. They were sharing laughs and smiles. They both knew that this was going to turn into a beautiful friendship and maybe one day they could be more than just friends but was a concern for the future. Now they just wanted to live in the moment and enjoy each other's company.

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