The Phone Call

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Mia woke up and decided to get a hot shower and she was doing some thinking about what happened last night. And if she did get diagnose with leukemia then what would happen to the team. She honestly didn't know. After about 15 minutes in the shower she got out and got dress in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Then Mia came out of her room and put her samurizer in one pocket and her cell phone in the other. After Mia was done she blow dried her hair and then put her hair in a ponytail. Mia went into the kitchen to see that breakfast was already made and was glad cause she wasn't in the mood to cook. Even though Mentor knew she could cook but she wanted the rangers to tell her the truth about her cooking. But the smell was making her nauseous but she had to take her meds with food or she would get sick and she rather not puke her guts up again. 

As soon as she was done Mike came into the room and saw her. Mike was trying to figure out that rather or not did Mia cook breakfast and decided to ask. "Hey Mia who cooked breakfast?"

Mentor, answered Mia. I just got up a half hour ago. I already told Mentor I wasn't cooking because I'm still not feeling to well. 

Mike sighed in relief but at the same time felt bad for Mia because she cant even cook because it can make her sick. "I'm sorry Mia. you still have a migraine?"

It receded to a dull ache but I should be fine. answered Mia. 

Next thing they knew the Nighlok alarm went off and both Mike and Mia went out into common room and saw where it's at and headed where it was at. The rangers all morphed and they fought until the nighlok dried out. They all de-morphed back and that's when Mia gets a phone call. "Hello," she answers.

Hi, is this Mia?" asked the doctor

Yes it is. answered Mia. "are you my doctor.

I am and I was calling to tell you we got your test results back. the doctor had said

The others looked at her and try listening but Mike stopped them. "hey let her talk. She probably will tell us when we get back to the house."

Yeah you're right. answered Jayden and the others agree and knew that they were being kind of rude. 

Mia stayed back a little to talk to her doctor. What are they? she asked

The doctor took a deep breath "Well the test results came back and it said that you got leukemia like I thought. I am making an appointment for you next Thursday if that's okay with you. I want you to know that I am going to do everything in my will power and I will fight for you if you fight too. I know this is tough but I know I can help you with God's help. God will give you strength Mia. Because hearing these words is one of the hardest things and it is one of the hardest things for a doctor to tell his patient that he/she has cancer. But just because you have it don't mean that its the end. Cancer can be tough on someone but as long as you are willing to fight I am willing to help you fight. Because we can't fight alone but we can give it our all." 

Thanks doctor. And trust me I know that for sure. I know that God has my back and I will fight and I know God is fighting for me, and if God wants me he can take me when he is ready because I know I went out of this world with a fight and I can do what He needs for. There is a reason for this and maybe God wants to use me to tell others that God will be with you through your darkest night. I will tell my friends and Mentor. Thanks for letting me know answered Mia.

The doctor was smiling on the other side of the phone. He had never seen or heard someone who could be so kind and so gentle and so positive about anything and he knew at that moment that she was going to fight and give her all. "Mia thanks for being such an encouragement to me. I could never understand how you can be so positive but I am glad that God has brought you across my path. I hope you have a good rest of the evening and I will see next Thursday."

Okay, I'll see you Thursday. answered Mia and she hung up.

The rest of the way Mia was thinking and she knew that this would happened like that but she also knew that she didn't have to worry because God got this. They gotten back to the Sheba house and everyone was able to get lunch and Mia decided to go talk to Mentor.

Hey, Mentor can we have a meeting in the common room. I got my test results back and they are more serious than I thought but I don't think I could tell it twice. asked Mia. 

Yeah that's fine. answered Ji. 

Mia took a deep breath and decided to say a little prayer "God give me strength and calm me through this storm. You know what I need and what the plan is and I know you got this." 

Mia then walked into the common room and noticed Ji already gather them so she can give them an answer. "Okay here I go" she thought and began to tell them...

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