Mia tells how she feels

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Mia finally comes out of the bathroom and goes back outside when Mike came up to her and asks "You okay?" 

Mia looks at Mike and said "I just got so nauseous and couldn't keep it in any longer. Sorry." Mia looked like she been crying too to Mike.

"Hey, what's wrong Mia." asked Mike. 

"Some of the side effects from the chemo. Some of my hair started falling out. and the nauseous is getting the better of me. But I got to remember who is in control and that I am not in this fight alone and it will get better." Mia answered. 

"Mia you amaze me every single day. I cannot fathom how you are staying so positive during all this stuff you are going through Mia." said Mike in wondered. 

"I just got to remember that God is in control and that God is where my strength comes from. I have to know that He is the only one that I can depend on to help me in this time of trouble." answered Mia. 

Ji comes out and said, "Hey Mia can I talk to you for a minute."

"What's up" Mia asked after walking over to her Mentor.

"You know if you are not feeling well you need to tell me or one of the other rangers so we can make sure you don't over do yourself okay Mia." said Mentor. 

"I know Ji. It's just that I don't want to worry the others and this chemo is really making tired but I know I cant miss too much training because of the Nighlok." answered Mia. 

"Mia, I want to ask you something. I know you been struggling with your health for years but how come you are so positive?"

"Because Ji I have God. As long as I have God that is all I need to help me get through each day. Ji, all those songs Ive been singing and trust me I know way more than that has helped me in the past and this one has helped me through a lot in my life. 'It's called He will Carry You'."

vs. 1

Do you ever find yourself asking God where He's been

Ever get up out of bed saying I can't do this again

Have you ever been afraid of what tomorrow's gonna bring

and your facing it alone at least that's what you think

I can tell after going through that valley

Even though I couldn't see it at the time

It was in my weakest moments that He held me

And I know you'll find


He will carry you when you can't go on

He will be your strength when your strength is gone

He will lift you up, He will be enough to get you through

When the road is long and you want to quit, cause you think you've got nothin left to give

You can fall apart, fall into His arms, He will carry you. 

vs. 2

When you get the kind of news

That you hoped you never hear

When you're chasing down a dream just to watch it disappear

When somebody that you love turns and walks away

And they leave you standing there with shattered faith

You don't have to pick up all the broken pieces

You don't have to try to cover up the scars

You are loved and you can always run to Jesus, just as you are. 


He will carry you when you can't go on

He will be your strength when your strength is gone

He will lift you up, He will be enough to get you through

When the road is long and you want to quit, cause you think you've got nothin left to give

You can fall apart, fall into His arms, He will carry you.

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His heart is never weary, no He's never tired. Through the toughest fight, through the longest night, through the flood and the fire. 


He will carry you when you can't go on

He will be your strength when your strength is gone

He will lift you up, He will be enough to get you through

When the road is long and you want to quit, cause you think you've got nothin left to give

You can fall apart, fall into His arms, He will carry you.

By the time Mia was done singing the song, all the other rangers had entered the room and they all had tears in their eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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