Mia tells the others

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When Mia walks into the room and saw all of her teammates in the common room. She had also brought her Bible in with her because she knows that she cant do this by herself. Mentor saw that she look worried and wasn't sure what she was going to say. Mentor decided to tell her "Mia you will be fine I promise. Whatever this is we'll get through it together."

"It's not that. it's that I don't want to worry anybody else and what I'm about to say may contradict with me being a ranger too." answered Mia. "And I am not prepare for them arguing over who gets to take care of me and them yelling my name when I'm sick. I cant deal with all that stress. When I was a kid it was always you and my mom taking care of me and maybe the green ranger. that is it. The green ranger always made me feel better because he would always made me smile and knew how to cheer me up when I was down. 

I understand. answered Ji. Guys as you know Mia has some news for us that is why we are all here in the common room and they are answers from her doctor. and please if you have questions asked them when she is alone and one at a time."

Mentor then nodded his head at Mia for her to start. Mia looked at the others and took a deep breath "As you know I have gotten some tests done on my body. and you guys already know of my health problems considering my migraines and that I also have epilepsy which causes seizures. I also want you to know that I have gotten the tests back and my doctor has already called me and told me about it. When he was doing tests on me he found a few lumps on neck that I didn't notice and he decided to some tests. He then told me that I have more white blood cells than red blood cells which is not good at all. He told me that I have leukemia and I am getting more tests done to decide when I will start chemotherapy and before you start asking questions I want to sing a song for you called don't be afraid and then I want to tell you what I think about this all.

Mentor was shock and soon Mia began to sing.

"The disciples were tossed on a cold raging sea,

but Jesus was sleeping so peacefully,

They cried "Master don't you care that we died?'

But He spoke three small words "peace be still"

it was the storm that had to die

So, don't be afraid when the darkness is closing 

The Master is near, His voice calms every storm 

So when the world says its over the Master says no I just begun 

In your darkest of times whether rain or in sunshine don't be afraid

I know how it feels to be tossed by the storms 

And I know how it feels to be battered and worn 

But then I know how it feels to be carried on through 

Called by the strength of the One who is faithful and true

So don't be afraid when the darkness is closing

the master is near, His voice calms every storm 

so when the world says its over the Master says no I just begun

in your darkest of times whether rain or in sunshine don't be afraid.

When the world says its over and the master says no I just begun

in your darkest of times whether rain or in sunshine don't be afraid.

As Mia finished there was not a dried eye in the room. The rangers just looked at her and could not comprehend how she was feeling so she decided to explain. "God has been dealing with me a lot lately especially with this huge problem. I love you guys and right now I just need to know that you guys wont give up on me but at the same time I don't want everyone swarming me with things and I don't want to be treated different. I want you to know that I am relying on God to get me through this. I'm a little worry but at the same time I'm ready to see what God has in store for me." 

Mia's illnessWhere stories live. Discover now