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Your pov

Today all the guys asked if you wanted to hang out!

Of course you said yes.

The only bad thing about it was that Jonah's snobby girlfriend Ashlyn was going to be there.

You were close to all the guys but Jonah was your best friend and the two of you were really close.

The only bad thing about it was that you had slowly grew to like him as more than a friend, but he had a girlfriend.

One that didn't like you very much.

You didn't let that stop you from being friends with Jonah, although you knew he didn't like you the way you liked him you weren't going to let that get in the way.

He was to important to you.

"Hey y/n" Jack said to you as you walked into the WDW house.

"Hey Jack!" You gave him a hug.

"Jonah's in his room, hurry before Ashlyn gets here." He said pushing me up the stairs.

I stopped and turned toward him.

"Why do I need to hurry before she gets here exactly?" I asked

"Well I thought maybe you could talk to him...you know and tell him how you feel" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

Jack was the only one who knew about your crush on Jonah.

He was like your big brother(a/n:you're 17 in this♥️).

"Jack you know I can't do that." You paused

"He's with her....plus he only see's me as a friend"

"You never know y/n" he replies

"I'm sorry Jack, but I can't." You say

"Hey, Y/n" Jonah said coming down the stairs before Jack could reply.

"Hey J" I said giving him a hug

"Y/N IS HERE!" You heard Corbyn scream

"Not again" you said before being tackled in a hug by the other boys(Corbyn, Daniel, Zach)

"Guys I can't breathe"

"Oh sorry y/n" Daniel said

All of them got off of you.

You giggled "it's fine"

You were about to say something else when you heard a loud mouth

"Jonah baby" it was Ashlyn.

"Great" you heard Jack mumble

You couldn't help but laugh

Jonah and Ashlyn approached shortly after

"Swimming?" Jonah said as a question

There were some nods and "yeahs"

After putting on your bikini you head to the pool.

"Damnnn" you hear Jack say

"Shut up" you giggle

"Yeah for real" you hear Ashlyn mumble.

"Excuse me" you say

"I said yeah for real, because there's nothing damn about you. I mean look at you....." she trailed on

"Ashlyn!" Jonah says angry

Your mouth slightly opened and your breath hitched from trying to stop the tears.

"What?" Ashlyn said as if she did nothing wrong.

Jonah rolled his eyes then started walking towards you.

"No stop" you cried.

"Y/n please" Jonah said getting closer

"No. I can't I'm sick of her pointing out my flaws as if I don't already see them"

"I'm sure she didn't mean it in that way"

"Are you serious right now?" You said getting angry walking away.

"Good going you two" Jack said referring to Jonah and Ashlyn.

"I don't even know what I did" Jonah said

"She likes you stupid and you just defended a girl that insulted her right to her face"

"She likes me" Jonah whispered

"Ashlyn I think it's time you got going" Corbyn said trying to hold in his anger


"Don't cry to him. You were told to go...now gooooo" Zach dragged out.

"Whatever" She rolled her eyes

She left and was just the guys still by the pool.

"Jonah? You good man?" Daniel asked

He didn't say anything he just left.

Omg this is long over due😩 I'm sorry I've been so busy.

I just recently started my first job(I'm 16)and school has been kicking my butt as well.

My Christmas break is coming up though and I will have more time to write so stay tuned!!!!

Love you beautifuls♥️♥️

Thanks for reading

Ps I know this sucks but I've had it saved for a while and I decided to post it because it's been a while♥️

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