12. Clumsy

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"FUCK FUCK FUCKETY FUCK!" I shouted as I tripped over my own feet. The floor coming to my face. Hitting the ground a pained groan escaping my lips.

"Are you ok?" I looked up and saw Jae, his expression showing a concerned look.

"Oh me? Y-yeah I'm fine." I said giving him a weak smile. Jae reached out, his hand in front of my face,  I looked up at him an actual smile appeared on my face before I grabbed his hand to pulling myself up.

"Thank you." I gushed as I dusted off my body, taking in a deep breath whilst doing so.

"No worries, but how did you manage to fall over your own feet?" He asked a curious look now adorned his gorgeous face.

I'm allowed to admire his face ok?

Too bad if it's not.

"Oh god only knows. Well, actually, I suppose it is me, and I'm almost definetly the most clumsy person on Earth. Honestly I could probably trip over a freaking fly" I responded giggling a little and I heard Jae let out a small chuckle.

I'm making progress fuckers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Maybe that face wasn't necessary?

Meh, who cares?

"You've really got to be careful." He said caringly, this caused a blush to come onto my face making me look away.

"Thank you, I'm sure I'll be right." I reassured him happily.

"Nah, I think you need someone to supervise you all day, making sure you don't fall over." Jae joked.

"And I thought you were being nice." I said, playfully shoving him pouting afterward. Letting out a small giggle as he started to respond.

"Exactly, I was being nice." Jae exclaimed to me, causing me to scoff.

"Yeah, ok then chicken little." I said giving him a cheeky smile.

"Hey, don't call me that." He scolded jokingly.

"Why not? It's cute." I say, honestly my smile is probably growing by the second. My face probably getting redder by the second aswell.

"I'm not cute I'm swaggy." He stated simply a small pout making his face look even cuter. However I swear I saw a blush decorate his cheek adorable cheeks.

I can't help it. His face is just too cute.

"Fine. I'll call you swag chicken then." I say victouriously.

"Ugh, you're a bully." He complained sarcastically.

"Yeah, I'm a bully, My names Cara." I mock, making a duck face and flipping my hair. Laughter came from Jae's direction and I look up to see him laughing. Eventually I joined too.

"Well see you tomorrow?" I asked Jae as I approached my door.

"Sure thing." He said happily.

"Chicken wing." I say cheekily.

"See, you are a bully." He joked again. We both laughed lightly before I waved him a goodbye and shut my front-door behind me.

Once I was inside I slid down the door I cupped my face in my hands, I was a blushing mess.

Jae how are you doing this to me?

How are you breaking me?

If you keep this going I might even fall in love.

What if it does get to that point and I still haven't confessed?

I really need help.

A/n: Honestly I thought this chapter was pretty cute. What about you peepleos? Did you like it? I hope so ^-^. I know I should update more frequently but I had writers block. I came to this knowing i had to make chapter and so I put down the first words to come to my head then made a chapter about it. JISOOS CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT THE TWITTER UPDATE? IM DEAD!! Afss v yahwzybwzybzwyqbzyqnzwuz n w8zkwizmwzhnwzunw1iznwzu im very intellectual.

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