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Today was the first day of senior year. I was nervous and excited about it. Even though I hate this school, I'm going to miss Oakland High. The principal started acting extremely nice to me and other students. I got a chance to know more about Mr. Matthews during the summer but something about him gave me a weird feeling. Sometimes I caught him looking at me even though he always turned his head. I had a summer job just in case you're wondering why I even had encounters with my principal. I think I was just overreacting again. It's not my fault.

I was proud to be finally 18. This year I wasn't going to worry about anyone at all. I was boosting my self-confidence in many ways. I started taking better care of my face so it could stop breaking out. I started wearing putting makeup so I could feel better about myself. I got a membership at Planet Fitness and even started losing weight. I had a different approach to things. Everything that they said really got to me. But....I was about to slay this year. I got in my mother's car (which was officially mines now) and drove to the school.

"Here we go again" I mumbled to myself and got out of the car. Some students gave me the same looks that they always give. It was annoying. I kept it moving and continued walking through the halls of Oakland High, I was feeling good. I suddenly ran into one of the ignorant but most popular girl in the school. Lisa eww. (*Big Sean's voice)

"Watch where you going stupid". Lisa pushed me to the floor Every since 5th grade she's been messing with me. I was accused of losing my virginity to this new boy that always stuttered and stayed to himself. They thought he had a disease because of the rash on his neck and cheek. It was just an unknown scar from when he was little. Oh yeah, his name was Anthony. Instead of leaving the school after being constantly bullied by everyone, one day he committed suicide when he went home. Nobody ever realized how much he was struggling until then.

But anyways back to the 'losing my virginity that I still actually have' situation and Lisa. The reality about me and Anthony is that we didn't even have sex, he kissed me. We weren't even going out with each other but we talked. Lisa is the only one who still talks about that. It's so old and false. Last year, she pulled a prank on me when I thought we were finally cool with each other again. Yeah we were cool with each other back in 3rd and some of 4th grade. I knew this girl my whole life. I guess she was jealous of how...well I don't know why she would be jealous of me. I was sent to charter school after the whole 'losing my virginity to slow Anthony in the school basement' accusation. I went to a charter school all the way until my freshman year of high school. That's when me and Lisa were back at each other's throats. Oakland High. At that time, Mr. Butler was the new principal and Mrs. Jackson was also new to the school.

I got up from the hard floor as Lisa started walking away. I had a few old papers from last year. I started picking those up and felt another presence among me. I looked up and it was Mr. Matthews. He bent down and helped me pick my things up. Our hands were touching but he quickly snatched away. I put my things in my bag as he stood up. I was extremely quiet while he helped me off the floor. Was I the only one feeling weird vibes from that?

"Thank you" I smiled and he nodded his head. He walked away and started yelling at the kids were roaming the halls.

"Bestie!" John yelled out while doing our little dance. We did a goth dance last year but this year we did the backpack kid dance. Yes we dance when we see each other on the first day of school. That's how we always act with each other. Turns out we had first hour with each other which was Statistics. Nia was our math buddy, it's like she knew everything. I guess the whole crew was back together including associates that had potential. Our teacher was Ms. Cook. I think this was her second year here as a teacher. She still looked fresh out of college. She must have been a good teacher if she's still here.

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