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It has been a whole week since I've been to school. I didn't tell anybody about what shouldn't be left unsaid. I was scared to go back to school but I was scared to make it noticeable. I started getting ready for what could be a challenging day. Everything should be fine as long as I don't see the principal. At this point, I don't even want to be around Mr. Matthews.

I parked my car in the back as if I was a teacher. I quickly hid my face when I realized the principal was getting out of his car. I waited a few minutes before entering the school. Before I got out of my car I noticed that Mr. Jones was parking next to me. He knew it was me because I suddenly saw him looking and grinning at me. I finally got out of the car and waited for Mr. Jones so I could feel safer going into the school. He grabbed his bag and got out of the car. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"I was worried about you, is everything okay now?" Mr. Jones asked while hugging me.

"Yes" I smiled.

"You can't call or text anyone back?" he asked in a defensive way.

"My bad" I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into another hug. I looked and suddenly saw Mr. Matthews walking back to his car. I froze and hid my face. I lifted my head just when he turned around and looked at us. He was on the phone but he looked pissed off. I released from the hug and walking with Mr. Jones to the school. Mr. Matthews started walking back to the school as well. I stayed close to Mr. Jones until it was time for me to go to my first hour class. My phone started buzzing like crazy but I paid it no attention. I got a text notification.

"Can we please just talk about it Marie?" I read the text from an unknown number. I knew who it was. How did Mr. Matthews get my number? That's exactly why I hate records. He didn't even think about if I had a new number. I looked at all of the other notifications and saw that it was likes on Instagram. From him. What is wrong this man? Was he obsessed with me? How? Why me? There were a bunch of other girls that he could've messed with.

"Who's that?" John asked behind me. I was relieved that it wasn't Mr. Matthews. Me and John walked to Statistics. I was going to have to make up a lot of work from last week.

All day I have had to deal with craziness. Now it was time for lunch but I was forced into a meeting with the principal. I guess I had no choice but to listen to what he had to say. I was hoping that someone would get into a fight but then I realized that Mrs. Jackson handles them. What an attempt? I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to go to my ELA class and take my test that I missed. Lucky me! I ate my lunch and quickly left before the principal returns from wherever he was.

"What's wrong with you?" Mr. Jones asked noticing that I rushed into the classroom.

"I slipped out of a meeting with the principal" I laughed and grabbed the quiz from Ms. Walker. Mr. Jones laughed and walked out of the classroom. I looked at the directions and started the quiz. It looked easy even though it was only the first week so of course it wouldn't. It took me only five minutes. That was a little quick but I turned it in to Ms. Walker.

"Can I stay in here for the rest of the hour?" I asked walking up to her desk again.

"I was actually going to lock up and go out for lunch sor-

"I'll be staying" Mr. Jones quickly interrupted Ms. Walker and sat down.

"Well sure then" Ms. Walker replied smiling. She grabbed her purse and left the classroom. Me and Mr. Jones was by ourselves. He had food too! He shared his nuggets since he knew I hated school lunch. I started finishing up homework for my next hour.

"You sure you shouldn't go to Mr. Matthews office?" Mr. Jones asked sitting on my desk.

"Yes" I said getting annoyed.

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