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"He what?!" Mrs. Jackson yelled as I was telling her about how Mr. Matthews "helped" me get a new phone. I was this close to telling her everything but as usual Mr. Matthews walked in. I'm the one who bought me a new phone after HE broke it last week. Mrs. Jackson wasn't even excited about that because she didn't believe in buying things for students unless it was needs. This was definitely a need that didn't need to break. I was surprised that Mr. Matthews acted like he was scared of me but at the same time he was acting like a mental patient.

I tried to have fun last Friday at the movies but then I saw Mr Matthews. He blew me a kiss and disappeared. I was at church, he was at church. I was on the bus, he was on the bus. I couldn't go ANYWHERE without seeing Mr. Matthews. Now we're on first-name bases. I already forgot his name, I think it was Michael or something like that. I didn't care because he was still a creep. He hurted me and my grade in a huge way. Colleges weren't accepting me because of my current grades. At this point, I wanted to kill Mr. Matthews. I was going to start retaliating. I should've did that a long time ago but I wasn't brave enough.

John greeted me with a warm hug. I never rejected or decided to go back with him because my life is to messed up right now. He understood my decision and wanted to help me fight my battles. Everybody wanted to get in my business but I was willing to have everyone know that I f**ked the principal before all of this. Hallucinations? No, it was actually Mr. Matthews walking towards me and John. John grabbed my hand and kissed me. We were dating just to piss him off. Mr. Matthews smacked his lips like a little girl and walked past me. He purposely touched my butt very smoothly to the point where John didn't even notice.

"F**k you" I mumbled and Mr. Matthews turned around balling his fist.

"The hell you gonna do old man?" John quickly turned around and dropped his bag to the floor.

"You better fall back little boy" Mr. Matthews left a sarcastic laugh and got in John's face. Nobody else crowded us and they didn't even know what was going on.

"You've been harassing her for way too long" Mrs. Jackson started walking towards with her walkie-talkie. She was quick to walk out of the office when she saw John was squaring up with the principal.

"What's going on?" she asked looking at all of us.

"Both of them will be going to ISS but I want them in my office after school" Mr. Matthews left with that comment and walked in the office. Mrs. Jackson followed him like a lost puppy and grabbed two referrals. Mr. Matthews and Mrs. Jackson were talking, he was probably telling lies as usual even though I did cuss at him. I suddenly saw him point at me which made Mrs. Jackson have a disappointed look on her face. Mrs. Jackson walked out of the office while staring at John. I guess she disliked him even more now.

"Marie go to Mr. Matthews's office right now" Mrs. Jackson demanded while giving me the referral. John tried to follow me but Mrs. Jackson held him back. I walked in and walked out. This was the moment that I realized that I had messed up. Mr. Matthews yelled at me very loud to get me in his office. Security stood outside the door making me go back in the office.

"Was it that hard?" he asked as I was slowly walking to his office. He surprisingly kept the door open and acted normal. I didn't get too happy because I knew eventually that mood was going to change. He closed the door and threw a fit. He was becoming really paranoid about every single person I was close to. He kept moving his hands which made me extremely paranoid myself. I jumped every time he raised his hand because I was so used to his abusive ways. I was scared of him.

"Have I ever told you that you had a nice big one?" I interrupted him referring to his manhood. He was distracted and he was suddenly convinced that I was "finally" in love with him. Now that was an obnoxious assumption that he just made. It did help avoid me getting another bruise on my face.

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