day one

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This is not a true story. I wrote this story for class and people love it, so I put on here. This is for adult only.

Dear dairy,

Today is the first day as vampire slave. I do not know if this is good thing or bad thing. Last night was crazy. I thought the vampire world was dark, but I was wrong. It is just weird! Let me  start from beginning. Yesterday morning, I woke up unknowing my little life would change. I was sleeping on my friend's couch because my house burn down. Almost everything was a gone. My friend let me planned her party. It was an angel costumes party.  All day, I got my costume and my friend's ballroom ready. 

That night was the party. My costume was a white dress with father wings that were huge. That night, the vampires crash the party. I know they were vampire the moment they walked in. I tell my friend to run out of the house and never come back to they leave. She said, "This is my house". I said, "They are vampire". She looks at me. Then she ran out of the house.  I took the micro for the DJ and sang my "angel of darkness" song. The song was about the vampire Erick Ian Nicklaus kruiseoff. When I sang, all eyes were on me and I just look at him. Erick (which I call him Ian) knows at that moment, I know about vampires. At this moment, it turns weird!   All vampires together, took everyone hostage. The children, who were at party, were let go. The men were taken to become slave.  For the women, the vampires made us make a line. Then they made us take off our clothes. The ones that vampire thought were ugly, they kill them. The beautiful ones were turn into vampires. Then it was my turn. Ian walked up to me and started to take off my clothes. Before this time, I didn't take my clothes off.  Ian looks at my naked body and said “WOW”. Then he said, "Now, you will become a vampire".  He pulled his fangs out and lend close to me. I pushed him away and took his knife. Then I stab him. Ian said, “Birch, you are dead now”. I said, “Go fucked yourself. Good luck with that”. Ian just said “Then you will become my slave". I said “Fine”. Then I pick up my clothes and put them on. 

Ian knocks me out and I woke up in a jail cell with a guy. I do not know his name. I know I write a lot. I am sorry, diary. I never wrote this much in my life. I am so tried!  I am go sleep now. Bye!



PS. Ian doesn't even know my name.  How pathetic!

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