day 5-10

851 6 0

Dear dairy,

It had been few days. I had been traveling. 

The day after I last wrote in here, I boarded Ian's G550 jet at 6:30 pm and the jet left immediately. There were three other slaves on aboard.  There also were two of Ian's guards and two other guards.  The pilots were vampires. The guards took all my six weapons and my cellphone when I boarded the plane.  We ate pizza ten mins after we took off, the humans at least. The guards call Ian to know what the plan was.  We played an ice game. I do not remember the other slave’s answers.  I am sorry this will be harsh to all vampires. My answers were: my name:  Katharina: my deepest dream: at a beach in Hawaii were it is sunny; describe your master: pathetic desperate lonely man; what are you scared the vampire might do: nothing; if you weren't a slave what would you be going: I writing song and performing them. Also, making clothes. Then we watch Twilight. I fell asleep on the chair because I put the chair back so I can lie down. I think the other slaves felled sleep too at the same time.  I think the guards turn off the movie because when I woke up to go to the bathroom, the TV was off. 

After go to the bathroom, I went back to bed.  8 hours later, the guard, focally woke me up and dragged me out on plane. It was 2: 30 am LA time and 5: 30 am MA time.   At Bangor MA, the cop for the state of MA, try to take the guards under arrest. But the guards took a hold of me and put me between the guards and the cops.  The pilots filled the gas tank. The guards drag me inside to the USA custom, so we can go to Rome. The USA custom didn't at first want to pass us because we have vampire on aboard. But I said “I am Katharina." then USA custom pass us. I can't believe they know about me.  I think the whole world know about me.

We went back to the plane and I lay down on the floor of plane. The vampire pilots drank my blood. I know it would hurt because this was not my first time a vampire drank my blood.  The other slaves were asleep the whole time we were in MA. Then we take off for Rome, Italy. It takes another 6 hours and 35 mins.  I sleep about 5 hours more. I woke up and got dress. I wish the plane had shower. But there was a big bathroom enough to wash up.  I put on my black dress and heady at like a monk rode.  The guards gave a one of swards and my cellphone back.

When we got to Rome, the vampires give a side pouch with iPad in it. The iPad had a chain with handicap. The vampires put the handicap round my hand.  They do not trust me. They shouldn't because I hate vampire with Passions. They also gave me a bracelet with a GP's and shocker for the other hand. How mean!   So we land Rome at 8:30 in LA and 5:30pm Rome. I left the plane and walk to the monastery of vamps.  When I was almost there, the Rome cops try to arrest me.  But I ran away and said "I am Katharina". I got the monastery of vamps and they captured me.  They asked who I was. I said “I am Katharina."  They search me. Then they used something to search me more. The vamps took me to large room and tied me to a chair. I had to watch the vampire and human fight. 10 mines later, they took me to larger room which all monks were sitting. I had to choose 3 vampires and 3 humans.  I said the 6 wins out loud.  I choose two vampires from the winners to fight each. Then the winner of that fight, fight the other vampire. Then human do the same. Then we have two winners fought me. The vampire only made it 2 mins with me and loses.  I thought vampire fight better than that. So vampires are weaker than humans. HA HA!  The human fought me and made it 5 mins with me. So that means he win because he only had to make it 5 mins with me.  O ya the other slave and the guards went site seeing. They couldn't take me. I guess we hate and distrust each other that much.  The winner took me site seeing and his house to pick up his family. At least, he was nice enough because he was human.  We all went back to the plane at midnight.  The plane took off 10 mines later.

We went Arad, Romania the Transylvania area. It took about 2 hours. I got a little sleep.  In Transylvania, we landed in Arad at 3: 10am Romanian time and 5:10 pm in LA. We all got off the plane and we went a castle. Then the same things happen in Rome happen in Transylvania. But this time a vampire it all. I was wrong. Not all vampires are weak, but most of them are.=

I said to the Rome"  i vampiri sono deboli! Gli esseri umani che lavorano con i vampiri sono anche deboli. Umani sono più forti e meglio!  Sorry if it is wrong. I am not Italian. But you know what I mean." which means vampires are weak! Humans who work with vampires are also weak. Human are stronger and better in Italian. Then I said to Romanian, "Vampiri sunt slabe! Oamenii care lucreaza cu vampiri sunt de asemenea slab. Umane sunt mai puternice şi mai bine. Sorry if it is wrong. I am not Romanian. But you know what I mean." which mean vampires are weak!  People who work with vampires are also weak. Human are stronger and better in Romanian.  They both gave a dirty look. I took both of them picture and sent it to Ian. I also sent Ian their files. The person from Arad took me site seeing.

We got back to the plane at 3:30am Rome, 4:30 pm Romania and 6:30 am in LA.  We left Arad at 3: 50 am Rome time, 4:50 am Arad time and 6:50 PM in LA. It took 13 hours and 30 mines to get back to LA.  But we stop in Bangor, Ma again for an hour. So it actually it took 14 hours and 30 mins. We got back Ian's house at 6:20pm in Rome, 7:20pm in Arad, and (next day) 9:20am in La.

I so try in sleep for 2 days. But before I sleep I took a shower. I was waked up by Ian and he said I sleep for 2 days.  I didn't even know I can sleep for that long. 

I have things to do. Bye!



PS. I am too tried to make fun vampire today. Maybe tomorrow!  The guards from took all my weapon and cellphone and gave it to Ian. 

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