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later that day...

On Whatsapp

Camila: don't forget to text me when you're home 😝

Camila: and thanks for walking me 🌹

Lauren: np 🌹 

Lauren: and ok 😂

Camila: focus on walking pls

Lauren: I can take care of myself, thanks 😂

Camila: pff

Lauren: did u really have fun?

Camila: yeah, I did! Your friends are actually really nice.

Lauren: told ya

Camila: I got one of their numbers btw, hope u don't mind....

Lauren: oh cool, who's?

Camila: Lucy I think

Lauren: oh

Camila: whats wrong?

Lauren: she's my ex

Camila: oh

Camila: shit

Lauren: its fine, she's a nice girl

Camila: why did u break up?

Lauren: she cheated on me..

Camila: oh

Camila: forget her then

Lauren: she said I was too boring...

Camila: ok she's clearly dumb

Lauren: hahaha, yeah, im home btw

Camila: good

Lauren: ok gotta tell ppl to leave, ttyl babe

Camila: 😳ok


Lauren: shit, um ttyl camz 😂😂

Camila: babe's fine.... but ok ttyl 

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