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On WhatsApp

Camila: Dinah...

Camila: how r u feeling?

Dinah: idk

Dinah: regretive... is that a word?

Camila: ik what u mean

Camila: why did u cheat anyway?

Dinah: idk, she was sexy and Lauren hasn't been that kissy lately, uk?

Dinah: I guess she got boring...

Camila: alright..

Dinah: why?

Camila: I was just wondering, because Lauren doesn't seem boring at all to me...

Dinah: we've been together for a whole month, and im just used to it, she doesn't do anything new uk?

Camila: no Idk cause I never dated her lol

Dinah: nvmd 

Camila: ...

Dinah: u like her don't u


Camila online 

Camila typing...

Camila online

Camila: no I don't?!

Dinah: yes u do, what took so long then

Camila: pff

Camila: I don't even know, so...

Dinah: its ok to have a crush

Camila: she's not my crush we've only met twice...

Dinah: have u noticed the dots behind ur sentences?

Dinah: ur denying.

Camila: how the hell r u so sure?

Dinah: rmr on the party I made out with her in front of u?

Camila: yes...

Dinah: I saw u literally staring at us, drooling...

Camila: shit

Dinah: jk u weren't but, I saw the way u looked at her

Dinah: I inspected u two for a few minutes and u literally couldn't keep your eyes off of her,  I was even kinda uncomfortable...

Camila: sorry...

Dinah: its fine, I don't blame u 

Camila: thank you, she's just so beautiful...

Dinah: yeah ik

Dinah: I miss her

Camila: me too

Dinah: 😕u too?

Camila: I mean I would be too if I were u..

Dinah: 👀🙄


few minutes later...

Dinah: mila...

Camila: yes?

Dinah: just so u know, there are no hard feelings if you like Lauren, we're done anyway.

Camila: really?

Dinah: yes, I think u deserve each other, I didnt deserve her, take care wals

Camila: ok, thanks DJ ly

Dinah: ly too

later (after next chapter)...

Camila: I do like her

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