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On WhatsApp

Lauren: Camila!!!!

Camila: YES??!?!?!

Camila: WHATS GOING ON?!?!?!

Lauren: first of all, chill urself

Camila: second, don't scream at me unless its an emergency

Lauren: well it kind of is, I have to tell u smth

Camila: what is it?

Lauren: I miss you 🙈

Camila: awww, babe, do u know how wide u make me smile when ur like this?

Lauren: I can imagine, since, I kind of smile widely too when u text me back

Camila: I have a bigger mouth than u so im def. wider....

Lauren: oha? u wonna bet? 

Camila: yes, how?

Lauren: we dont need to, I concede

Camila: yayyyyy I winnnn

Camila: ur the best 🙈❤️

Lauren: well I do love you so...

Lauren: shit

Camila: u broke the rule lauren

Lauren: I know thats way I said shit

Lauren: damit

Camila: idk what to say...

Lauren: well, u made that rule to avoid misunderstanding right?

Camila: yes

Lauren: well.. now u don't have to worry anymore

Lauren: because I mean it

Camila: Lauren, u love me?

Lauren: yes

Camila: but we've only been dating for about a month...

Lauren: ik, Ive been falling in love with u before we started dating...

Lauren: so please help me

Camila: help you?

Lauren: yeah because ive now fallen....

Camila: aww Lauren, I love you too

Camila: I really do, ive been too scared to admit...

Camila: every time I see you, my heart starts to race, and every time I look into your pretty eyes, everything around me blurs out.

Lauren: please stop

Lauren: I hate this feeling when I want to hug someone but can't, so stop

Lauren: I have thousands of reasons why I love you, I can tell u one everyday, starting from today.

Camila: okeee, me too for u, is that ok?

Lauren: yes baby, just don't be too sweet thanks

Lauren: muaaaa ❤️❤️

Camila: great, u had to text kiss me....

Camila: u know that feeling when u want to KISS someone but can't? its worse...

Lauren: oopsies

Camila: stop being so cute!!!!!

Lauren: alright 

Lauren: so today: you are so cute, everything you do, everything you say, everything you text. Just. Cute.

Camila: aww, thanks, as for u, I already told you so im not gonna torture u anymore...

Lauren: my baby

Camila: u have a baby?

Lauren: yeah u, duhhh

Camila: oh... right, ofc, duhhhh, im so dumb

Camila: blush

Lauren: hahaha CUTIEEEE, I cant anymore, just stop.

Camila: okay, what about ur baby?

Lauren: oh yeah

Lauren: my baby, so considerate.

Camila: hahaha yeahhh

Lauren: 🌹❤️

Camila: ❤️❤️❤️🌹

A/N: Guys, there has been a mental problem... meaning I messed up in my head: some of you might be confused from yesterday's reason why I like you number 2, it's because I thought I already uploaded this, so please ignore that, I moved it to future chapters, so you will see it again. Have a great day or sleep, byeeeee. 

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