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Vocal Conversation 

Lauren approaches the girls

L: hey guys

C: hey babe!

Camren hug

D: hey..

L: hey

D: I thought u never eat?

L: well I actually just came here to see Camila...

D: okay

few minutes of silence  later...

D: so how are you Lauren?

L: I'm actually much better, and I'm not mad you anymore, I saw you avoiding eye contact this morning so I just wanted you to know. What about you?

D: Oh good, I thought you were gonna hate me for the rest of our school years, I'm better too, thanks... And I am still sorry Lauren. I know you don't like me anymore, but I just hope we can go back to being best friends you know? 

L: actually me too, I've been so lonely in class, come here.

Laurinah hug

C: THANKGOD! I thought you girls are never gonna never make up, I'm happy now.

L: you weren't before? 

C: I was but now just happier, my friends are friends again! 

D: hahaha

L: so tell us about Normani, Dinah~

C: yeah! 

D: She wanted me to be her girlfriend, and I left her confused, and when she was about to go back to her hometown, I said no because I hate long distance. And we were kindergarten friends, I didn't want to ruin the friendship you know? You see, Lauren and I almost ruined ours.

Camren look at each other worriedly, Dinah notices

D: what's up with you two?

Camren blush and look away

D: Oh my god, are you two together?

C+L: no!

D: ok you might not be dating, but you guys definitely like each other, I just know it.

C: dude! she is your ex, how are you so cool about this?

D: you and I talked remember? and I realize that Lauren is better at being my best friend than girlfriend, and I wouldn't mind if you take her, I told you you guys fit...

L: uhh, hello? I am still here you know?

D: I know, but I'm just saying I don't have a problem with it.

C: oh my god Dinah, you can't just say, oh you look cute together, you should date.

D: I know but I know for a fact that you guys like each other, so it's even more perfect if you looked cute you know?

L: okay, I'm gonna go get a salad

Lauren stands up and leaves

D: ok mila, tell me the truth, do you like her or not

C: I do like her, I like her a lot.

D: YES!!!! I KNEW IT! I'm so smart

C: keep the fuck down!!!

D: sorry.. but did you tell her?

C: yes, literally yesterday, let me show you our chat history

Camila shows Dinah her phone

D: damn, I was fucked up, thank god it's over

C: yeah and how about focusing on me this time?

D: oh yeah, so you guys have a "meeting" on Thursday at your house, and you both confessed. And she didn't ask you the question.

C: yeah (sighs)

D: why don't you ask her then?

C:  I want to, but you said it might ruin our friendship, and I don't want to lose Lauren.

D: what if she really likes you too and is also worrying about this?

C: I don't know???

D: I mean the problem with me and her was me, it was because we didn't fit, and I wasn't loyal. And you said you won't cheat on your girlfriend, and she is really loyal, so unless you guys have a proper breakup where you both agree to stay friends, all of what me and her went through won't happen.

C: so we can date?

D: Mila! She literally told you she feels the same way you do, so I don't think you have to worry about getting hurt, but maybe you guys should wait a bit more, how long have you known her now?

C: more than a month

D: yeah, so maybe you shou-

Lauren comes back

L: so what are we talking about? 

D: Pornstache in Orange Is The New Black killed the blondie! I mean what the fuck, she was innocent and so pretty, and he killed her to solve his problem, I fucking hate him so much

L: uhh, that happened literally years ago..

D: so? I've begun again, and oh my god 13 Reasons Why season 2 is gonna come out soon! I heard there is an awesome soundtrack called I have Questions in it, and I can't fucking wait.

C: OH MY GOD YES! Karla Estrabao is my favorite singer.

L: I hate Bryce so fucking much.


D: I know right? 

L: fuck him

D: yeah... oh! Lauren can you please unblock me now, best friends still text each other...

L: oh yeah, let me do it now.

D: thanks

C: im so glad everything worked out

A/N: before you guys shout at me for still not making camren happen, I want to say everything is planned out so now all you guys have to do is wait. to make y'all feel better it is at chapter fortysix, its a long and vocal one, just wait for it!!! Thanks for everything, have a good day or sleep!!!

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