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On Instagram

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camila_cabello  I stay up late just to talk to you 😌🌹

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camila_cabello  I stay up late just to talk to you 😌🌹

laurenjauregui me too 💞🌹🔥

On private messages

Camila: i can see that, weve been texting for hours and its almost 2 in the morning...

Lauren: well, ur never boring

Camila: hahaha

Camila: omg 5 days leftttt

Lauren: five days what?

Camila: my fav singer comes out

Lauren: carla?

Camila: yeah karla

Lauren: wait, shes coming out, as in out of the closet?

Camila: well just her album, but possibly the whole her, i mean her album is called KARLA and so KARLA comes out on jan 12, so... basically yes

Lauren: damnnnn thats so smart

Camila: yeahhhh shes awesome

Camila: oooooh and i think shes gay

Lauren: why?

Camila: just search on youtube, Karla estrabao gay moments and u will see a lot of videos and shes osm

Lauren: ahahhaha no matter what about her, shes awesome huh?

Camila: yeah, she is 😌

Lauren: wb me? 😶

Camila: well i love you with all my feelings, but i love her just like a fan..  uk?

Camila: ur awesome too 🤗💞

Lauren: yay 🤓

Camila: anyway, i never told u this

Lauren: what?

Camila: im sort of a karnica shipper...

Lauren: who r they?

Camila: karla and monica, theyre ex bandmates and i HONESTLY think theyre dating or at least dated.... put probs still dating.

Lauren: oooooh them, interesting

Camila: yeah and i think karla is gay cuz she always says girls r pretty and stuff and never reaaaally dated a guy, i mean ive never seen her kiss a guy, not even austin her ex ex ex.... 

Lauren: huh ur pretty smart u shouldve told me about this earlier so i can think with u

Lauren: but now its late and my brain cant function properly....

Camila: yeah ik im sorry, lets go to sleep and talk about it next time

Lauren: okeee good night

Lauren: love youu 😚

Camila: love you more 🙈

Lauren:  dont ✌

Camila: gn 😂💞

A/N: if u dont like some chapters please tell me, i feel like my writing is getting worse 😭😭 anyways KARNICA is CAMREN in our world, cuz karla is camilas first name and monica is laurens original name, and i will try to be more interesting, see you tmr!

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