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Vocal conversation


"hey Laur"

"what's up?"

"nothing, that's what's up, I'm bored to death"

"oh... you wonna come in?"

"yes please....what's up with you?"

"nothing except, one of my old friends came to visit me"

They walk into Lauren's room

C: "oh hi"

Lu: "hey"

C: "what's... your name?"

Lu: "I'm Lucy"

C: "Lucy... I think we've met before"

Lu: "mmhmm, I think we have too, here even"

C: "yeah, at Lauren's party"

Lu: "right!"

L: "hahaha, yeah, so this is Camila"

Lu: "Lauren I know, I even have her number"

C: "ha this is awkward"

Lu: "it is, let's move on"

C: "agreed.... Lauren?"

L: "hm?"

C: "how are you baby?"

Camila leans in for a sweet kiss

L: "I'm great how are you?"

C: "so much better now that I'm with you"

Lu: "okayyyy, not helping with me here, maybe I should-"

C: "let's play Charades!"

L: "good idea"

Lu: "teams?"

L: "shit, we're odd"

C: "call Taylor?"

L: "no, Dinah, can you call Dinah and tell her to come right now?"

C: "okay"

Camila leaves the room to call Dinah

Lu: "she's even cuter under lights"

L: "mmhmm"

Lu: "did you tell her about us?"

L: "yeah, and I don't think we have any secrets"

Lu: "where did you find her?"

L: "on instagram, she dmed me"

Lu: "awww"

L: "I know, and it turns out we go to the same school and I didn't even notice her"

Lu: "hahaha, oh my god that reminds me, if Dinah comes, you'd be surrounded by your exes"

L: "Camila is not my ex, and I hope she never will be, I love her so much"

Lu: "I'm still sorry Laur, I did love you"

L: "I know, but why are we talking about this now, I'm happy and you don't look sad either, so let's just have fun tonight"

Lu: "ok"

Lucy gives an awkward smile

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