Chapter 1

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“Tom are you coming to bed soon? I would like to discuss something with you.”
“Another discussion, should I be worried?” 
“No, it's nothing to keep you awake or loose sleep over.”
“I'll be up shortly.”

Tom made is way to the bedroom. “Sleeping already?”
“No, just enjoying the fresh scent of clean satin sheets, it felt so good against my skin. I just love the feel of a clean sheets, don't you?”
“I do, and that's why I love you so much, you just make everything so wonderful." 

Tom was feeling a bit uneasy wondering what his wife wanted to talk about. Did she find out something? Who has she been talking to? He had been so careful concealing things from her for many year.

‘Tom, Tom calm down,’ He said to himself, ‘maybe its nothing, if you keep questioning  yourself she may become suspicious.’

“We haven't had a vacation in a long while, it's been five-year already since we visited somewhere, anywhere, for that matter.” His wife complained.

“Is there any place left in the world we haven't visited?” Tom asked. 
“Yes,” she replied,  “the North Pole.”
“You are funny.” He shot back and they both had a good laugh.

“Yes it's true the children enjoy their trip to France every summer, and we have the house to ourselves, but I would really like to go somewhere this year. You know I don't like flying.”

“I know, so it was a good thing I visited all those places when I had the opportunity. But for now it isn’t possible for us to go anywhere.”

“Okay then, since we can’t go somewhere, how about giving the kitchen a face lift?”
“What's wrong with the kitchen? It’s perfectly fine!”
"Men! The kitchen is so dated we still have borders with fruit on it. We could replace it with some fancy crown molding. A paint job and some new window dressing.”

“I'll think about.”
“Why do you  have to think about it? It's not like we can't afford it.”
“But but but what I don't want to get into an argument.”
“There is no need for an argument, it's not like you are going to do the work yourself, we could call the contractor and have the work done in no time, and it could be a wonderful home coming surprise for the children.”

“You told me that I wouldn't be loosing any sleep over this discussion.”
“Okay hon good night.”

She felt as though she had just gone to bed, turn and open her eyes Tom was already out of bed.
“Tom, what time is it?” She called out louder, “Tom. Thomas!”
‘I know I am in trouble when she calls out my full name.’ He thought.
“Is everything okay? You are up early.”
“Everything is fine. I have a power point presentation for today so I was just going over it to make sure everything is up to standard. A lot is riding on it.”

“Are you ready for coffee?”
“Thanks for the offer, but I already had some tea. I knew the aroma from the coffee would wake you up so I made tea so you could sleep longer.” He laughed.

“What time is your presentation?”
"Could we meet for lunch after?” She asked.
“Sorry dear, could we do lunch another day? I had already made plans for this afternoon."
"Oh...alright....come to think of it..a few of my friends have been asking me to join them on a girls’ day out.”
“Which friends?” Tom asked for his wife had many friends.
She laughed, “You know.....the four P's. Paula, Precious, Pamela and Patsy.”
“Are you still friends with all of  them?” He looked surprised.
“Yes, of course, we go back a long way.” 
“How come your name doesn’t start with P?” He joked.
“We would be five times the trouble.”
“And all of you always got into trouble.”
“We were kids then,” She smiled innocently, “we are now accomplished women what kind of trouble could we possibly get ourselves into?”
Tom smirked at her. Then they both laughed.

“Can you leave me some cash or better yet the bank card? I may want to treat myself to a little something or possible a new dress.”
He loved it when she treated herself. “The card and cash and in the safety deposit box at the bank.”
“Okay, thanks hon.”
“Have a good time and don't talk about me.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Oh...we won't.” She smiled mischievously.

“Hello Mrs Thomas,” the bank manager said, “It's been a while, but as always it's a pleasure to see you. what can I assist you with today?”
“Thank you Mr Perkins the pleasure is all mine.” She smiled.  “I just wanted to get something from our safety deposit box.”
“I'll be more than happy to help you. Let me get the door for you. This way please.” As he led her through to the back of the bank.

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