Chapter 3

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    Kane had awoken early and was going hunting as usual. He thought of the beautiful wolf he had met. Secretly, deep down, Kane wished to see her again. He wished to get to know her more. He continued trotting through the forest. As he walked, he suddenly noticed a scent. The scent came from a group of wolves.

    He crouched low to the ground as the wolves came closer. From what he could see, there was about three wolves. He heard them chatting as they walked along. Kane caught a familiar scent from one of the wolves. It was Hera!

    "We were told to hunt, not walk around like fools." one of them said.

    "We're trying to look for something to catch." another annoyingly snapped back.

    "Well stop your yapping so we don't scare away the prey!" the first one replied.

    "Shut it you two!" a familiar voice scolded the two. It was Hera who spoke!

    Kane watched as they passed by. A butterfly landed on Kane's nose, causing him to step back, which made the bush he hid in rustle.

    "Who's there!" the second wolf from before yelped.

    "Go ahead you two. I'll go check out what that noise was." Hera told them.

    The two wolves that accompanied Hera walked ahead as Hera started to walk towards the bush Kane hid in. Hera jumped at the bush, causing Kane to fall out of his hiding spot. He opened his eyes to find Hera pinning him down and staring at him. Kane awkwardly smiled at Hera and she let go of Kane. Kane got up and looked at Hera.

    "Hello, again." Kane shyly said, looking at Hera.

    "I didn't expect to see you ever again." Hera replied looking at Kane.

    "I was actually hoping to see you again" Kane answered looking down at his paws.

    Hera looked away. "I think I should go." she said. She turned around ready to go. Hera started to walk away from Kane.

    "Wait!" Kane exclaimed, causing Hera to pause and turn around to look at him. "I want to get to know you better."

    "I'm sorry, but I have to go." Hera responded. "But if you want to see me again, meet me here at sunset."

Kane nodded before Hera walked away.

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