Chapter 9: Stares

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Juuzou's POV

I look over to the blushing lil' (Y/n) who have her face hidden by her own small hand. I gently poke her side expecting her to be shocked and laugh at the poke....but to no evail....she won't look at me..

"(Y/n)-chan~ Look at me please~ Don't you feel pity at me.....the little lonely pup~" I lean to her side as I whine loudly. I sat up straight as I gently take her hands off her pretty face. As soon as I took her hands off I blush a light pink because of how cute she looks with that blushing face. Her cute face do get me turn on, I must say.

"You promise me you won't do that ever again..." she whine as he struggle to get her hands out of my tight grip. I took a hold of her hands as I brought them to my lips gently kissing it.

"You're too cute, I just can't help it~" I said as I pull her closer to me and smile sweetly at her. Staring right into her soul through her (e/c) orbs. She gently push me away as I let go of her hands turning away from me before standing up and went to a vending machine.

"What are you buying?" I ask her as I tilt my head a little to the side...but still all I get is silent treatment. I sigh as I stood up and walk to her before placing a small note that I brought with me earlier in her soft hand before walking away.

(Y/n)'s POV

I felt a paper was slide into my hand as I look at the vending machine as if it could help me. Then, I heard footsteps as it fade away from my ears. I gently open the little note and read it.

Dear (Y/n),

Thank you for being my friend, I really like it when there is actually another person who thinks and sees me as a normal person, I know I can be a bit creepy but still thanks! I love you.♡


My (s/c) cheeks heat up as a wet tears slide down and fall onto the ground as several more fall creating patern on the ground. Pitter and patter could be heard around me.

Great, just great...It's raining.

So, are're raining too.

I feel bad...for ignoring him..he never had a friend before...maybe he doesn't know how to communicate...

Well, the rain has disguise your let's search for him.

I quickly run to the direction that Juuzou went and look around...the way was pretty busy, so I have 1% of chances in finding Juuzou. I look around and I spot a white head under a big tree. I ran to the big tree and was met with the big ruby eyes staring at me..with tears in his eyes..or maybe rain.

I pant lightly as I place my hands on my knees. My eyes widen when I felt myself being pulled into someone chest. I look up to see Juuzou smiling down at me, a genuine smile.

He slowly cupped my small face in his hands as he lean down slowly, closing his ruby eyes as I felt a soft and a warm sensation on my pale lips.



Hana: Two chapter! Haha..

Juuzou: Why did you did a cliffhanger!! *slightly fanboying*

Hana: (-_-')

Manabe: *putting on headphones and start singing a depressing catchy song*

Hana: double(-_-')

Juuzou: Bye (Y/n)-chan! *kisses*

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