I found another..

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"What are you doing here, Ron? Shouldn't you be at home studying for that test tommorow?" I asked as I walked closer to him. "Nah, I'm not really studious. Why are you here?" Ron whispered back. I quickly looked at the snow on the ground and shuffled it around. "Just passing time." I whispered. All of a sudden, Ron feels my left cheek. The chills outside froze up the blood that was spilling out of my cheek. "I'm sorry." he whispered as the air puffed out of his mouth. "Sorry for what?" I asked as I looked into those green eyes. "I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me the most." He mumbled. At that very second I kissed him. Our lips pressed against another and slowly extracted. We stared at each other for a few seconds and I just had to kill the silence. "No, I need you the most right now," I blurted,"And I think I will always need you." Why did I just kiss Ron? We barely know each other and we just met. He probably thinks I'm some type of creep for lip-locking him. I think I'm going insane., what else can I do? Am I out of my mind! It's getting colder and harsher at the minute. Suddenly it hit me. "Ron, I want to stay out here with you," I cried," I feel less alone with you here." He then nodded and spreaded a grin across his face. We sat on this sturdy log and I lied my head on his shoulders. I never want this to end~" I can see it in your eyes..why do you think less of yourself?" He questioned as his emerald eyes stares at the misty fog. Why would he ask me that? Even if I did feel less of myself, it's embarrassing that he sees it. "Listen Ron, I have to go..see you tommorow." I said as I headed back to my house. I glanced back and disappointment covered his face. What is wrong with me?

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