Chapter 4

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About 3 months have gone by and today is the day of the graduation test. Over the last 3 months not only habe i habe the ANBU stalkers ive had the fan girl stalkers. Luckly my fan girl stalkers habe been too scared or Katie to come talk to me, and the Uchiha booy even thanked me for sitting next to him since nwo all his fan girls are too scared of Katie to come over and bother him. Also Katie has only tired eating the pup twice, which is really good

"Ok class, when i call your name come with me to do the test," Iruka announces before calling a student thne leaving with him

"So Blake," i open my eyes and look up to see a girl with long blond hair up in a pony tail, standing just out of Kaite's reach, "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go hand out or something sometime. Maybe you me and Sasuke could hang out together"

"Ooh~ a three way~~~" Katie rubs her head under my chin excitedly making me sigh

"Look blondy im gay," up until now i haven't said a word to the fan girls but now that im about to be a ninja i dont need fan girls getting in my way

"Wow really? Huh, well maybe i can chance that," she puts her hands together and makes her arms staight as she pushes her still small and developing boobs up trying to make them look bigger

"Ino!" The girl jumps and looks to the sensei, "Your up!"

She looks at me again thne quickly leaves making me sigh in relief, "Damn girls.......never get a boner again if they keep trying to strip for me......"

Even Though i was muttering to myself i guess Sasuke heard me since he gave a small chuckle and even smirked a bit. That is till Naruto squated infront of him and they had an electricit glare off.

"Ohh i hope they fuck~~" Katie pokes her head up watching them closely

Suddenly the kid behind Naruto pushes him on accident and Naturo ends up kissing Sasuke. They both jump away from each other and franticly whipe there mouths

"Hm, i ship them," i mutter low enough so only Katie hears me

"Me too~~" she sighs happily


I get up and follow Iruka to a different room, "Ok Blake just make 3 clones"

I do a hand sign and make 4 shadow clones of myself with Katie on all of them.

"Sh-shadow clones??" He looks at thme wide eyed, "But your so"

"Can i just get my head band and go? The old man wants to see me"

Iruka quickly nods and i get one of my clones to grab the only white band one and tie it around my neck then leave. Ignoring all the annoying families i go to the 3rd's office and knock before entering

"Blake, i knew you would pass," he smiles warmly at me like always, "Come id like to give you something"

I walk over to his desk and watch as he pulls out a scroll and hands it to me, "This was your mother's. She couldnt use it to its pullest abilities but i think you can"

I take it and open it to see its a summoning scroll but its slightly different

"What is this?"

"You have to find out on your own," he smiles at me still, "You may go, dont stay up too late though, you get your team and meat your sensei tomorrow"

Noding i go back to my temporary home and up to my room. Once there i bite my thumb and sign my name in blood under my mother's name. As soon as i finish the last letter in my name my name glows and smoke appears in my room. Once it disappeared there stood this.......creature (picture at beginning of chapter)

"Hm?" It looks around then looks to me, "Ah you must be Blake!"

"Uh....ya......what are you?"

"What in deed," he gives a creepy smile, "You have a bit if your mother in you i see. She asked the same question while eveyone else asked 'who'. I am Zodiac!"

"Zodiac.....ok? And what kind of summoning are you?" I stand up and cross my arms as i watch him

"A special kind. You see with this scroll you can make your own creatures. Make it habe human bits in it or comeplete animals or something thats never been around! Its all up to your imagination and chakra level"

"Ok, how to i make my own creatures?" I didnt fully believe this Zodiac thing but hey, ill roll with it

"Simple! Just hold the scroll, close your eyes, and imagine something while adding chakra to the scroll."

I sigh softly and pick up the scroll then hold it in my hands and close my eyes. I imagine a white kitten with wing, blood red eyes, and a beak instead of a snout. Once i have the image in my head i add chakra to the scroll.

"What the hell is that??" Kaite asks in shock

I open my eyes and see the kitten i imagined flying right above the scroll. The kitten glares at Katie and lets out a hiss/squawk nosie before flying over to my head and curling up on top of it

"Very good master Blake!" Zodiac cheers, "It took your mother 2 hours to make her first creature and yet only took you 2 minutes! Splinded!"

He walks over to the kitten and picks her up, much to her displeasure.

"Let us see. She seems healthy. Would be great for small places and hiding. As for fighting well........she has the attitude for it but nothing else. Over all a good first creation"

I pull her out of Zodiac's......hand thing, which makes her purr and rub her head on me happily

"So i can make anyever i want with this?"

"As long as its with in your chakra rank. You can make it as specific as you want. If you want it to breath fire it will. Want it to spit acid it will. All you can to do is imagine it being able to do that" he folds his......ill just call it hands, behind him

"So is this why im unable to do very many justus?" I roll the scroll up and put it in my jacket

"Yes it is. You got your father's snake side but your mother's ability to use justus. Her clan wasnt talented in that area which led to there death."

"So they will listen to me and my commands?" I look to the kitten who is now sleeping

"Yes, as long as you make them that way. You, like your father, naturally have that desired to be in control so i habe no worries about that. You will naturally make them obey you without even trying"

"What about you?" I look to him now, as he gives ne another creepy smile

"No, i will lend a hand to help you till you have creatures to do that for you but i do not take orders. If it wornt for that scroll id already have killed every last useless creature on this planet"

"I dont like him," Katie hides her face under my arm a bit

"I dont like you either," he responds

"Wait you can understand her?"

"Of course! I can understand any tounge!"

"I see...." I look to the scroll hiden in my jacket thne him, "So what happens to my creatures once i make them?"

"They will stay with you, the scroll of corse, but you dont need draw blood or make hand signs. Just call apon them and they shale appear. Now yiu must get to bed. It is late"

I look outside my window and see its already night time, "Your right, ok then"

I turn back to face him but he's gone. Frowning a bit i sigh and crawl into bed with kitten snuggled into my chest and Katie wrapped around me and thr blanket covering all of us

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