Chapter 21

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I slowly open my eyes and groan ag the sun hitting my eyes. I roll over only to groan even louder at the soreness and pain in my ass and lower back

"Finally woke up?" I open one eye and see Sasuke laying next to me and giving an Uchiha smirk

"Wish i didnt....." i mutter softly and pull the blanket over my head

I hear Sasuke chuckle then pull me so my head is on his chest and he pulls the blanket off my head

"How are you feeling?" Concern was clear and easy to see on his face and in his voice

"Sore and a big in pain, but yesterday was amazing," i lean up and kiss his lips ignoring the pain for moving

"If you hadn't kept me waiting so long it wouldnt have been as bad," he kisses me again then slips out of bed, still naked and im not ashamed to say i did check him out

"Ill go start you a bath, warm water should relax you and help with your soreness," i nod and watch as he walks into the bathroom

I listen as water starts running. Sighing i lay on my stomach and look around till i notice one of Sasuke's pillows, it looked like it was dissolving or it started to

'Oh shit i did that........oops'

After a few moments i move over close to the edge of the bed and roll to my side then sit up wincing as i do. As i go to try and stand i end up falling back onto the bed and wince even more

"Your bath is ready," Sasuke comes back into the room

"I cant stand...."

He gives his signature smirk and comes over picking me up bride style then carries me to the bath and gently lays me in it.

"Ahh thats nice," i smile and relax

"I have to meet Kakashi sensei so if you cant get out by yourself you may need to get Zodiac to help you"

"Ok, go see the pervy sensei then"

He nods and walks out of the room leaving me to relax in the nice warm back which is helping me.


By the time the water goes cold im able to stand up anx get out of the bath myself. I carefully walk into Sasuke's room and get dressed in my lazy clothes, being sweat pants and big sweat shirt.

I go to the kitchen and make some tea which i sip on in the living room sitting on the couch. After i finish my tea i clean up and sigh a bit bored but too sore to go walking around

"Master!" Katie slithers in through a window and over to me in a hurry  "Itachi was here! Kakashi is in a coma like state!"


"Itachi had a partner, both of them were after Naruto who left with Jiraiya. Sasuke went after Itachi but Guy just came back with Sasuke in that same coma state"

"Where is he??" Ignoring my pain and soreness i run up to Sasuke's room and get dressed in real clothes

"Hospital, room 314"

Once dressed i race out and to the hospital. I dodged people and jumped over kids till i get to the hospital and up to Sasuke's room. I sit down next his bed and watched him. He looked like he was just sleeping.

"What did he do to you?" I gently rub his head


I staied by Sasuke's side day and night till suddenly the door slides open and i turn to see a women is long blond hair and gaint boobs

"Blake," she looks at me surprised then gives a small nod and goes to Sasuke

" i know you?"

She gives a small smile, "I was the one who got you out of your mother. I only wish she had told me about her heart as well"

I nod and look down at Sasuke as the women, who i now realize is Lady Tsunade, heals Sasuke.

Sasuke quickly sits up and gasps with a horrified look in his eye

"Hey, you ok?" I put my hand on his shoulder

He sits there still as possible but with a look on his face that showed he wasnt the same as before.

"Well, i have other people to heal, take it easy for now," Lady Tsunade gets up then leaves

"How do you feel?" I ask quietly almost afraid to talk

"I need to be alone," his voice was void of any emotions

"O-ok," i slowly get up and go to the door, i look back at Sasuke one more time before leaving the room with a sigh

I head over to Asuma's house and knock lightly on the door. After a moment the door opens and theres Asuma looking at me shocked

"Blake, haven't seen you around here in a while, come in," he moves side and i walk in

"I know its been a while and im sorry about that just ever since......"

"I know, its been hard for me too, and essentially hard for Konohamaru"

"Right," i smile sadly as i sit down, "You know the past week ive been thinking a lot"

"About?" He goes to the kitchen then comes back with tea and 2 cups

"Becoming stronger"

"Thats good, the village needs strong ninja. If you want i could train you"

"Thanks but thats not what i mean. See the only justu i can really do is clone justu. Im pretty good at taijutsu but this is what makes me specail," i pull out my scroll, "Creating things that can do amazing things to protect those i care about. I need to get stronger to make stronger and better things and make them faster"

"Where are you going with this?" Asuma sets down his cup as he watches me closely

"Im thinking about getting Lady Tsunade's permission to leave the village so i can get stronger and come up with better creators"

"You want to leave the village?" He sounded hurt

"Ill come back," i look at him with a soft smile, "Its just, Naruto will be training under Jiraiya, that i know for sure and Sakura would make a good medical ninja. Maybe Tsunade would take her under her wing. Im not sure what Sasuke will do but its clear he still wants to kill his brother. Where does that leave me? Yes i could stay here and train but this place is also a distraction"

"You need to go somewhere unfamiliar, somewhere you back no attachments so you can focus on training"


He nods and gives me a smile, "Well then how about tomorrow we go talk to Lady Tsunade together about it. For now lets play shogi"

"Good idea," he gets the board then we sit down and start playing

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