Chapter 12

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-3rd POV-

Once Blake passes out from chakra loss something apears next to him. By now Zabuza has died the towns people took back there town. Now Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura are gathered around Sasuke and Blake, but all 3 take a step back as they see something stand next to Blake

Standing there was a black hear half as tall as Blake. The black heart had arms, legs, and a face. That face looked annoyed as it looked at everyone then at Sasuke

"I guess i need to heal him then," the heart mutters and walks to Sasuke then pulls out the needles and heals him

"W-what are you?" Sakura asks as she stares at the heart with wide eyes

The heart turns and faces her, "I am Blake's heart. As you can see he doesnt let people in that is why i am black instead of pink. Though," the heart lookd to his hands which have turned gray, "Blake has let Sasuke in, thats why when he saw Sasuke fall it felt him he lost part of himself. The more he lets people in and cares for people the more i turn back pink"

"So you reflect his heart," Kakashi asks this time as he looks at Blake then the heart

"Yes, i am his heart. I can heal those who he has let in. I can not, however, heal any of you. He has not let any of you in as of yet"

"I see," Kakashi looks back down at Blake and smiles behind his mask

'Well, at least he is starting to open up and see things in a new light' Kakashi thinks to himself

"Well can you get Blake off od me and heal me!" Katie shouts in a hiss as she struggles under Blake

"Right," the heart walks over to Blake and lifts him up

Katie gets off of Blake and lays on the ground, she has taken every needle that was ment for Blake. Not a single scratch was on Blake

The heart takes all of the needles out and heals her, "He has always cared for you"

The hear then poofs away and Sasuke sits up. He had heard every word and now watched Blake as he layed on the ground still passed out

"Sasuke!" Sasuke is then tackled by Sakura making him wish he had died

-Blake POV-

I slowly open my eyes a d find im on Sasuke's back and he is walking. I slowly lift my head and see Kakashi leading the way with Naruto and Sakura right behind him and Katie was wraped arounf broth me and Sasuke

"Finally awake"

"Ya......whats going on?" I ask confused

"Were heading home. The bridgewas finished Zabuza and Haku are dead and the town was saved," Sasuke fills me in without looking at me

"Thats good.......wait! How are you alive??" I look him over best i can from his back

"Idiot...." He mutters and looks back at me, "You saved me with one of your creations. Dont you remember?"

"I......did?" I frown now lost

Suddenly everyone stops walking as a poof of smoke apears. Once it clears there stands Zodiac

"Zodiac?" He looks around then looks at me and gives a creepy smile

"Ah Blake, i see your finally awake"

"What the hell is that thing??" Naruto shouts as he jumps back and points at Zodiac

"What in deed," Zodiac smirks st him

"What are you doing here?" I sigh slightly annoyed

"Ah yes, i am here to speak with you," he walks over to Sasuke, who takes a step back, and i, "I have cone to praze you on your latest creation. A heart which can heal those closest to you"

"A heart.......that have heal those closest to me? Ok i have no clue what your talking about"

As if on clue another puff of smoke apears and there stands a black heart with gray hands and annoyed look on its face

"This is your lastest creation," Zodiac go to it and stands next to it, "This is your heart. Black from you shutting people out and hating the world. Gray from letting Sasuke in, it is why Sasuke is alive right now"

"Wait i still dont fully understand"

"When you saw Sasuke fall you felt part of you fall as well. You froze and your mind was doing 2 different things. Part of it was frozen and watching Sasuke, the other was thinking of something ti save him. Kakashi's words were also running threw your mind and tada!" He motions with his hands to the heart

"Now you passed out because this heart should have been out of your chakra limits but you wish and need for Sasuke to live over powered that and left you in a 2 week coma"

"Oh....." I look to the heart who has its arms crossed and looks annoyed

"Dont go and start getting feeling for me, dont need a fanboy," Sasuke says with a smirk on his face

I glare at his head then smack it making, "Who would get feeling for an annoying duck ass haired emo boy?"

"Well who would get feelings for a heavy fat ass?" He gkares back at me

"Thats not me who's heavy thats Katie......which im surprised your able to carry her"

"I just got in, up untill now i was slithering on the ground," Katie explains then rubs her head on my cheek, "But its nice to know you love me master!"

"Alright knock it off," again im glad i cant blush

"Can i go now?" The heart asks

"Ya go ahead," i answer tgen notice his arms stsrted to turn gray as he poofs away

"I will leave as well, oh and dont worry Chiha us perfectly fine," Zodiac gives a creepy smile then poofs away also

"Well then......shale we get going?" Kakashi gives us a closed eye smile

"Ya, im ready to get home amd eat some ramen!" Naruto shouts then heads off first

Katie gets off Sasuke and slithers on the ground, i also hear Sasuke sigh in relief

"Told you it wasnt me," i smile and lay my head back down still tired from the chakra lost


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