Chapter 9

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"Ok team, lets report to the Hokage," Kakashi sensei gives us a closed eye smile as he watches Naruto get clawed to death by the cat we just caught

I was busy smacking Katie's head to stop her from eating the cat. Sasuke was looking all emo and annoyed. Sakura was trying to flirt with Sasuke. So it was a pretty normal day

We head off to the Hokage and stand in front of his desk. I turn him and the others out as i look out of the window watching this small bug walk around on the glass. It was a tiny black bug, it looked familiar, i say that because i can see finer details then other.

"Blake," the bug flys away and i turn to the side and look at Kakashi sensei, "Were you paying attention at all?"

"To what?"

"Are you ok Blake?" Sakura looks at me worriedly, "You have been spacing out a lot these passed few days, ever since our first training session"

"Im fine," i turn and see a drunk guy frowning at me, "Who is that?"

"Thats out client, we are taking him home," Kakashi filles me in, "Go get packed and meet us at the gate"

I nod and am the first to leave the room and head to my room

"So what is on your mind master?" Katie looks at me from my shoulder

"Nothing," i get my bag out and put everything i need into it, "Im just ready to go home to father"

"Are you? You havent written a single thing down in the journal he gave you. You also seem to enjoy the company of others," i stop what im doing and look at her, "Your relaxed. You sleep in a deeper sleep then you did before. You were even playing a board game with the smoking son"

"I couldnt care less about this place. I am just tired of always being on gaurd. Its not like these people will do anything to me"

I turn and walk out of the room letting Katie grab my bag with her tail and carry it

"Im going on a mission, wont be back for a few days," i tell Asuma as i pass the living room

"Good luck"


It wasnt long till we were on the road. I stayes in the very back watching my team mates and our client as they talked.

I wasnt quite sure what was wrong with me. I only played the board game with Asuma because i was bored. I only went to Sasuke's house and gave him a blowjob just because i wanted to. I only go into a deeper sleep because im tired and know these people wont harm me under the order of the Hokage. So all my reasonings for doing these things are my reasons and make scents.........right?

"Blake look out!"

I look up just in time to see Katie bite onto a chain to try and stop it from hitting me but the blade did get my neck just slightly

It was then that i noticed we were in the middle of a fight. Sakura was 'protecting' the bridge builder, Naruto was frozen, Sasuke was fighting and beating the 2 enemies, and Kakashu was missing

Suddenly Kakashi drops down from a tree and captures both enemies

"Great work Sasuke, Sakura. Naruto and Blake, i apologize for not stepping in sooner but i didnt think you'd freeze up or get lost in thought"

"Whats wrong with you really?" An annoyed whisper comes from beside ne, i look and see Sasuke glaring at me

"I dont know........"

I made sure to pay attention as Naruto stabs his hand to get the poison out if him then get bandaged up by Kakashi. We then get to a boat learn about some guy who has taken over a town and get guilt tripped into helping fight the guy, well i didnt get guilt tripped but still

"Why should we help him? Our mission was to protect him from low level theives not save a town. So what if he gets killed? He's old and will die soon anyway. His daughter is grown up and many kids grow up without grandparents. Its a normal thing," i cross my arms and glare at the bridge builder who is looking at me in shock

"How would you like it if your grandfather died because someone who could habe protected him didnt?" Sakura asks whike frowning at me

"My grandfather is dead, alone with ny grandmother and mother. Dont see me crying about it"

"Well if you knew them you'd be sad about it"

"Not likely," i cross my arms and close my eyes, "In this world people live and die everyday. Its a normal thing that will happen to everyone, even my father"

"Yes but when you truly care for someone you wouldnt want that person to die even if it is there time. I know i didnt want someone close to me to die when she gave birth, i even hated that child and his father for the longest time blaming them for her death"

My eyes pop open and i look to Kakashi in shock as he stares at me.

"When you truly form a bond with someone, only then will you understand, till then your just a mear child," he finishes while staring so intently inti my eye that i felt like he could see into my soul

"We're here"

Everyone gets off the bout while Kakashi and i keep staring at each other. Eventully he gives me a closed eye smile then gets off as well. When i stand up everything was spinning for a moment but i just brush it off and get off the boat as well.

We walked along a path and every step i took it seemed like i got worst and worst. Katie was starting to feel heavier and heavier on me, my eyes kept going blurry, and i was starting sweat. Something wasnt right

"The poison! When did you get hit!?" Katie screams but it sounded like a whisper at the end

I couldnt answer her because i couldnt feel my mouth anymore. I did feel her get off me but everything was comoletely blurry now and slowky going black. The last thing i remember is feeking wind then something hard hit my back and i was out

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