Chapter 13

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(Time Skip!)

Its been a year since the C rank mission and all we have been doing is training and lame D rank missions. Its not all that bad though, ive grown closer to a lot of people. Sakura has stopped fan girling over me, to my face at least, in exchange that i dont hurt her too bad during training.

Naruto and i have gotten pretty close, ive helped him prank a few people and even payed for him and i to eat at his favourite ramon place.

Sasuke and i are even closer, we ever move in sync with each other when fighting. We know every move the other is going to do and know how to work with it. As such Sasuke and i cant fight each other during training

Ive even gotten closer with Asuma. We play shogi everynight before bed as a bonding thing and stress reliever, ive even beaten him a few times!

His team isnt all that bad, Ino still fan girls but not AS bad. Shikamaru is a good guy to hang out with if you want to just relax. And Choji even told me good places to eat at to help build muscle.

Right now im laying on the frass under shade of a tree with Shikamaru as we watch the clouds

"You know Asuma sensei wants us to play shogi agaisnt each other, he's been saying it so much its such a drag"

I laugh a bit, "Then lets go play so he will stop being a drag"

He smiles and we both head back to my house. Asuma was outside standing on the portch relaxing

"Hey Asuma," he looks at us and smiles, "I got lazy butt here to play shogi against me"

"What a drag," Shikamaru puts his hands in his pockets and looks away from me

"Great," he goes inside and comes back outside on the porch with the game board and puts it down on a small table on the porch, "Get to playing"

Shikamaru and i sit across from each other at the game board and we both look at the game board and both of us are thinking about the game and what would happen if we make move or if the other person makes a move. Finally i make my first more then Shikamaru makes his. We then go back and forth for 5 minutes before Shikamaru gets stumped on what to do. He closes his eyes and puts his finger tips together and goes into deep thought

'Oh in for it now......' I think to myself as i watch him, 'ok just breath, go slow, and think about every move you and he does'

Shikamaru then opens his eyes and makes his move. I look at the board carefully then make my move. He quickly makes his then i make mine.

This goes back and forth but then Shikamaru beats me. Once he beat me im struck with shock and look over the game board over and over again


"That was really good Blake, this is the lingest ive seen Shikamaru play," Asuma praises as he smiles at us

"Damn you and your big brain....." I mutter and playfullt glare at Shikamaru who smiles at me

"Dont be so trouble some"

"Hey Blake, i saw Sakura chasing Naruto and some kids with a look to kill," Choji walks up to us and tells me nervously

"What a i have to go save Naruto and some troublesome," i sigh tiredly

"Ya your spending a lot of time with Shikamaru....." Asuma looks at me with a sweat drop

"What do you mean?" I look at him confused

"Nothing, just go help your friends," he smiles and shakes his head

"Fine....." I sigh and stand up then head off to where Sakura and everyone went

Katie was around me like normal and she helped lead me to my team mates. When i do find them i see Sakura and Naruto looking at something along with 2 kids. I then notice one kid being held up in the air

"Im going to teach you a leason," a slightly familiar voice says

"Hey let him go!" Naruto runs forward but something makes him fall

Once he falls im able to see who's holding up the kid and my eyes widen slightly then narrow. Blending inti the shadows i move so im close enough to the puppet user and kid. Then in one sift movement i grab the kid then lift my leg and do a 180 and kick the puppet user in the face and send him flying back some

"What the hell?!" He shouts as he stands up and whips his bleeding lip

In my position he couldnt see my face which hid my smirk. I slowly put my leg down and gentle put the kid down

"Great, yet another kid to annoy me," Kankuro says as he lets out a type of growl

"Your going to use THAT?"  Temri asks in shock and i can only guess he's getting crow ready to use against me

"Put crow away before your wood gets burnt cat boy," i stand up straight and put my hands in my pocket, and i just noticed Katie is no long on me, where did she go?

"What did you just..."

"Kankuro, you are an embarrassment to our village. Stop or ill kill you," a VERY familiar voice says from the tree next to us

"Y-yes Gaara"

I hear some sand move and feel a new present behind me. Finally i slowly turn and smile as i look at Gaara

"Long time no see Panda"

"Snaky," Gaara's eyes go a bit big then he gives a small smile, "Been a while"

"It has," i go over and hug him which he returns, a small one, but still a hug

"B-Blake...?" I let go of Gaara and turn to Kankuro and Temri ask in shock

"Hey Cat Boy, Temri," i nod to them both

"Why dont i get a nick name?" Temri narrows her eye's as she crosses her arms

"Well i love Panda here and i hate Cat Boy so panda is a cute nick name for Gaara and cat boy is an annoying one for Kankuro," i explain and put my hands in my pockets, "I only give certen people nick names"

"Um Blake," i turn my head and look at Sakura

"Oh ya, i forgot you guys were there"

"Gee thanks," Sakura narrows her eyes at me

"What a drag, women are so trouble some," i sigh then my eyes widen a bit, "Iv been spending too much time with Shikamaru........."

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