Chapter 19

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The next morning my team and i headed out. George was in a lot of pain but tried acting tough. It worked till about half way home he has to stop because he was sweating and panting. I had to summon Nimbus who carried us the rest of the way home. I took George immediately to the hospital, Fred stayed with him, then i went to the Hokage and told him of my mission

"I see, well im pleased it was a success but im disappointed that you allowed a team member to take charge when clearly he was unfit to," the Hokageleaned back and smoked on his pipe

"Yes my Lord, i take full responsibility for the injury," he nods and waves his hand to dismiss me but i pause, "Lord Hokage?"


"I over heard Fred abd George say they are the ones who broke there teammate's arm because he raised his hand to quit the chunin exam"

"Are you sure?" He leans forward and looks at me worriedly

"Yes, there is no mistaking what i heard"

"I see, thank you Blake, you may leave now"

I bow then leave the building. Once outside i look around till i see Kakashi sensei up in a tree reading

"Kakashi sensei"

He looks up and gives me a closed eye smile, "Blake, how was your first mission as chunin?"

I sigh a little, "It was a pain and my temporary team mates both did not like that i was in charge"

"I see, well your teammates just started the 2nd part of the chunin exam"

"They passed the first part?" I smile excited for them, "What was it?"

"A written test"

"A written test......and Naruto passed....?" Kakashi chuckles and nods, "Wow.....that boy is lucky. So how long does the 2nd part last?"

"5 days"

"Alright, ill meet up with you in 5 days. For now im going to try and make more creations"

He nods and goes back to reading while i walk away

~~~~time skip to finals cuz writers block!~~~~~

I sat next to Sakura as we watched Naruto and Neji fight. It was amazing seeing just how strong Naruto has gotten. It was also amazing seeing a branch member of the Hyuga clan so strong, maybe thats why Hinata's dad doesnt like her very much, because Neji is so strong.

Finally the match ends with Naruto winning. More matches go on but still no sign of Sasuke or Kakashi. I was about to go looking for then when suddenly there they appeared last minute and in a flashy entrance

Sasuke's hair grew and his outfit changed. He was looking pretty good now

"Werent worried were you?" I hear Kakashi ask from behind me

I turn around and use my mom's method of punishment, i made a wooden sandle appear and used if to smake Kakashi's head

"Sasuke almost lost because of you!"

He quickly jumps away and rubs his head, "Ow......strength sure comes from your mother......."

Ignoring him i turn to the match. I missed a good bit of it but now i see Gaara losing control. Sasuke made him bleed i think, and he has lost it.

"Whats that?"

I look up and see feathers, genjustu! Shit! I cant brake nay genjutsu even one this weak

"Sakura gen......jutsu....." i pass out after barely gettung the words out

Suddenly i feel the genjutsu brake and open my eyes to see Sakura smiling at me, "Come on lets go"

I take her out stretched hanx anx stand up, "Thanks"

I look around and see fighting everywhere. The sand and sound have teames up to fight the leaf

"Come on we gotta go after Gaara and Sasuke!" Sakura gets my attention back on her

I look around once more and notice where the Hokage and Kazekage were are how in a purple barrier thing

"You go, im going to try and help the Hokage"

She goes to protect but im already gone. I get to the barrier where a bunch of ninja are just standing and watchung as my father fights the hokage

"No!" I punch the barrier and i guess my father heard it because he looks at me and smirks

The hokage then looks at me and gives a sad smile. He knows he cant bear my dad, not in his old age

"Shit, ok come on," i pull my scroll out and close my eyes and focus. I needed something that could brake any barrier

Finally i feel something and poof. My eyes open and i saw this gaint sword in my right hand. The blade was pure red and glowing a bit. (If you can guess the sword then i will let you add 1 single thing to the next book, anything you want from Blake having kids to what Blake creates, to maybe what happens to Blake, but it has to be the first person who gets it right) (thank you for those who have guessed but someone has already guessed it right)

Putting my scroll away i lift the sword with both hands and bring it down on the barrier. The barrier cracks then a second swing brokes it completely. I had to do 2 strinks to the other side of the barrier as well. As soon as the barrier was down we all ran in but it was too late. The Hokage had this demon thing pulling my father's arms soul thing threw the Hokage's body.

I froze in shock as the Hokage smiles and drops to the ground dead. I couldnt help but blame myself. If i had payed more attention then maybe i could have made something quicker. If i had the ability to brake genjutsu then maybe i could have getten here faster. If i had tried to figurd out my father's planns then i could have stopped him.

But thats life isnt it? All of the ifs or could haves. All the whys or what could have i done differently. Thats all part of being human, which ive learned since living in the leaf

"Theres nothing you could have done," a familiar voice says as a hanx is put on my shoulder, "He fought and died for the village just as ever Hokage before him has. He always told me he would protect this village with his last breath and he did"

(Ok so someone guessed the sword so im not excepting anymore guesses, thank you to those who did make a guess and tired)

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