Chapter 22

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I slept hard last night and woke up groggy this morning. Asuma and i sayed up late playing shogi last night that and sleeping on my old bed which isnt as soft of comfy as Sasukes well it added up.

Grumbling under my breath as i go and take a nice hot shower. Once done i get dressed then go down stairs but find no Asuma. Frowning i go outside and find people running around and worried. I go straight to Lady Tsunade's office and find her pacing the room

"Lady Tsunade? Whats going on?" She stops and looks at me

"Blake, you haven't heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Sasuke has left the village to join Orochimaru"

"What..?" My eyes widen a bit and i stubble back into a chair

I knew my father wanted Sasuke but why i wasnt sure but more i thought about it the quicker it came to me

"His father wants his eyes"

"Yes, if Orochimaru takes over Sasuke's body then Orochimaru will habe the sharingan for 3 years and be unstoppable for sure," she sits down and sighs

"Whos out trying to get him back?"

"Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, and Kiba"

I nod and just sit there. I wasnt sure how to feel. Sasuke was leaving the village so he could get stronger by going to a monster like my father.

Several hours pass by when the team finally gets back but in rough shape. Lady Tsunade goes to Choji first since he was worst off. I went to Neji with my heart and had my heart heal him but since i wasnt close to Neji my heart could only heal some of his major wounds. Finally i went to Kiba and again i couldn't heal him fully but healed him some.

Kakashi came back last with Naruto who was in bad shape. He also had Sasuke's headband in his hands. Sasuke had hurt his friend and really left with my father. There is no beinging him back alive now

"Blake," i was back in Tsunade's office with Jiraiya, "Do you know anything on where Orochimaru is or what his plans are?"

"I only know of 3 of his hide outs but he most likely abandoned those. As for his plans well, im not sure. I know he cant take Sasuke's body for 3 years. I also know he's been trying to find a way to permanently stay alive forever but im not sure how"

They both nod, "There's no way he can live forever. The jutsu he does to take people's body only lasts 3 years"

"3 years," i mutter to myself then look at Tsunade as i stand up, "Lady Tsunade, i wish for permission to leave the village for 3 years to train and get stronger. There are too many distractions here for me to train to my fullest. I know Naruto will be with Jiraiya and Sakura will train with you"

Tsunade raises an eyebrow at me then leans back, "And how do i know you wont go with Orochimaru?"

"Becuase this place is my home and these people are my family, the 3rd was my grandfather"

She looks me over then smiles, "Very well, you have 3 years to train. Go train"

"Thank you, ill say my goodbyes and leave first thing tomorrow"

"Dont let me down Blake, im trusting you because i knew your mother," she gives me that look, you know the look i mean

"Thank you Lady Tsunade, i wont let you down"


Once i left Lady Tsunade i go to Kakashi sensei and smile at him

"Hey sensei, i want to leave you wiyh something"

"Your leaving as well?" He sounded hurt

"Yes, but ill be back. Anyway im leaving you with this," i snap my fingers and apuff of smoke appears once it clears there stands a girl, a neko wolf girl (picture at the beginning)

"Her name is Scarlett. I know your summonings are dogs so i figured a wolf neko would work for you," i turn to Scarlett, "Keep a watch over the village and keep Kakashi company. Well bye!"


Ok so maybe not the best way to end it but this is the end of this book. I do plan on making another and i am already starting to figure it all out.

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