Chapter 5

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I was sitting in my normal seat staring at the kitten creation i had made. She was just staring back at me cutely and innocently.

"What is that?" Sasuke asks quietly once he notices the kitten

"My first creation, she's useless in fighting but would be good for other things"

My little kitten tilts her head to the side then looks to Sasuke and walks over to him sniffing the air a bit then flying up onto his head. She lands on his head then rubs herself in his head and gives comfortable, hell his hair practically hid her

"Seems your hair is usefully for more then just attracting girl's," i smirk a bit and lean back while folding my arms across my chest

He glares at me then grabs the kitten who whines. He holds her in front of his face and they have a staring contest.

Sighing i take the kitten and look at her, "Leave"

She whines again then disappears in a poof of smoke

"Why did you make such a useless creature?" Katie asks as she lifts her head so shes looking into my eyes

"I didnt think it would work but i figured if it did it would be better to do something small and useless so it wouldnt drain my chakra"

She nods in understanding then goes back to the position she was in as Iruka sensei comes into the class room and starts reading off the teams

"Team 7, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Blake"

"Yes! Hear that Ino pig?! I get both Sasuke AND Blake!" Sakura yells as she stands and points at Ino, who was put on Choji and Shikamaru's team

I gotta admit Shikamaru's lazy attitude and the fact that he was handsome made me want to get to know him a bit, though just as friebds because i dont think he would be good in bed, or if he was it would be me doing all the work

"Just because your on there team doesnt mean anything!" Ino yells back while glaring

Sighing irritatedly i look to Iruka sensei, "Who is responsible for this paring?"

"The Hokage," he sighs also annoyed with the girls

"Then can i go talk with the Hokage? If not then pinky here might end up missing"

I guess Sakura took my threat as me hiting on her cause she blushed and giggled

"Go ahead....." Iruka sensei knew what i meant and without another word i got up and went to the Hokage

I didnt even knock as i walked right into his office and saw it full of jounins

"Blake, what are you doing here?" The Hokage smiles warmly at me

"Why put a pathetic useless fan girl on a team with the 2 guys she fan girls over?"

"I put everyone on a team for a reason. You may see her as useless but she is the best student at chakra control, with you being almost at the lowest. Though she is weak at fighting right now Sasuke is a great fighter. She doughts her self yet Naruto is always pushing himself and always having a ton of self confidence. She shows her fears and emotions yet you hide all of yours," he explains still with that warm smile, "She can learn from the otgers in the team as you all can leaen from her"

I glare at him a bit, since i knew he was right

"Whatever, just dont be mad at me or Katie when she loses a hand, or her life," i mutter and leave back to the class room

Once i get there i see only my, so called 'team' was there but no one else was. Ignoring them i sat in the seat furthest away from them and put my shades on

"Why do you care so much about this team? Your father is going to take you back anyway. Why get attached?" Katie asks as she moves some so sje can look at my face

"Im not, i just dint want ti be stuck with idiots while im stuck here," i mutter low enough so only she hears me

"First impression of you is........i hate you all" i lift my hear to the new voice and see a man with gravity defying hair and 3/4ths of his mask hiden, "Meet me on the roof"

With a poof he was gone making the rest of us walk up to the roof. With a hiss of annoyance i stay back in the shade while the others went and sat on the steps

"Hm? You with the snake, come sit with the rest of your team," my new sensei says calmly

"We dont like the sun, if we're in it its because we're doing something. We wont sit in the sun for no reason," i shove my hands inti my pockets and turn my head away

"Ooh~ Isnt he just so hot....." I hear Sakura say softly in a whisper

"Look here bubble gum," i glare at her even though she cant see my glare, "Im gay, so keep your clothes on and fan girling to Sasuke"

She stares at me and blinks a few times before looking to Sasuke then looking to me a few times then her whole face goes bright read as she mutters something like "watching them" "dream come true" or something

"Ok..." Sensei rubs his head awkwardly, "Lets intrude our selves-"

Scoffing i look away again and watch a team walk before the school grounds. The team was the Hyuga girl, dog boy, and bug boy. All long distance fighters. Hmm now that i think about it, could i make a creature that would aid me as a long distance fighter like them? One with eyes that could see chakra points, could sniff out enemies, could absorb chakra.......hmmm ill have to try when i get home

"Blake! Its your turn!" Someone yells close to my ear

"Names Blake, you dont need to know what i like, i have no dreams because dreams means its a possibility of not coming true, and i hate all of you," i respond while still watching the team walk away

As the team is about out of sight the bug boy stops and turns to, what i think, looks up at me.

"Looks like he knows when your watching. You cant be sneaky while stalking him"

"Oh shut it Katie"

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