Blog: Facing the Ex

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Hello faithful reader,

At one point or another everyone has had to see their ex, whether voluntarily or not, we have been face to face with this person we hoped never to be face to face with again. Since my last post, I have been face to face with mine once more. 

This was intentional but unwanted. I have been told to get closure in any way I can and the only way to me seems to be to make him feel the hurt that he made me feel. I've thrown up once in the process already, reaching more out of my comfort zone for him than I have for most of my friends.

I tell you this, not as a recommendation, but as a story. In the next few weeks, I will relay to you what has happened to me with my high school love. I hope, if nothing more, it will help everyone on your paths to rediscovery and healing. 

This week I went to a party. We did not kiss, but he caressed my body. To most, this would not seem so crass, but to those who have been hurt by someone, their hands are like fire on your skin. There is so much regret in what I have done, but a lot of empowerment as well. I am in charge of what happens next with us, not him. I  know when we will meet, how he will act, and what will be discussed. 

If nothing more, I have received the power that has been lost on me for six years. 

As always, love to my readers. I hope your lives are forever fulfilled. 

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