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3rd P.O.V


The next day, bells tolled as Y/N and the rest of the Descendants were sitting in their class, Remedial Goodness 101 taught by the Fairy Godmother. Y/N sat at a table with Evie, Jay and Carlos sat at the table next to them while Mal sat at the table.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you..." Fairy Godmother asked the class, which was just the Descendants, "A) curse it, B) lock it in a tower, C) give it a bottle, or D) carve out its heart?"

Evie's hand went into the air quickly.

"Evie!" Fairy Godmother said with a smile, hoping she would have the right answer.

"What was the second one?" Evie asked instead, causing Y/N to give her a look.

"Oh, okay. Anyone else?" Fairy Godmother asked with a smile. "Y/N?" she asked when no one raised their hands.

Y/N looked up from where she was, drawing a very detailed sketch of the Fairy Godmother's wand. "C). Give it a bottle," she answered.

"Correct. Again." Fairy Godmother told Y/N, smiling.

"You are on fire, girl!" Carlos complimented her, and Y/N just shrugged.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun," Y/N told them like it was obvious.

"Oh!" Carlos said in realization.

"That makes so much sense." Evie breathed out.

A girl dressed in light blue came down the aisle. She squeaked as she came to where the Descendants sat and rushed past them quickly, looking back at them as though she thought they would hurt her.

"Hello, dear one." Fairy Godmother said with a smile at the girl.

"Hi," the girl said quickly. "You need to sign off on the early dismissal for the coronation," the girl said nervously, nearly shoving the clipboard into the Fairy Godmother's hands as she looked back at the Descendants, scared.

Y/N nudged Evie, who had been staring off into space, to make her pay attention.

"Everyone remembers my daughter, Jane." Fairy Godmother said to the Descendants.

"Mom!" Jane squeaked.

"It's okay." Fairy Godmother told her daughter with a smile. "Jane, this is everyone," she said as she pushed her daughter forward.

"Hi," Jane said to the Descendants nervously. "That's okay, don't mind me, as you were," she said before quickly running out of the room. Y/N stared off into space with a thoughtful expression on her face. It was obvious she was plotting something.

"Let's continue." Fairy Godmother said while she walked back to the board. "You find a vial of poison, do you..." she asked. "A) put it in the king's wine," Evie started raising her hand slowly. "B) paint it on an apple," Evie laughed a little at this, and Mal smiled at her before going back to her drawing, "or C) turn it over to the proper authorities?"

This time, four hands went into the air- Evie, Mal, Carlos, and Jay. Y/N wasn't even paying attention. Jay pulled Carlos' hand down.

"Jay?" Fairy Godmother said smiling as she pointed to him.

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