Chapter 5- And That's When I Saw Him

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*Flash forward to the present*

As I walk out of my advanced Italian language class, I see my friend Lissa walk by. Her and I became friends two years after I met Sienna. We are both in advanced cooking, and man is she good with pastries. "Hey" I sign to her.

"Hi" she signs back.

"How are classes going?"

"Okay so far, although I am having trouble with math and science." She signs and gives a little shrug.

"Well I would love to help you out with whatever you are struggling on. Maybe you can come over to my house today after school and we can study together?" I sign to her.

"Yes! That would be great" She signs enthusiastically.

"Great! See you then." I smile.

I walk to my locker and start working on my locker combo, when I see him. Judging by how lost he looks, I figure he's new. I can tell he has been staring at me and Lissa though. He has short, dark blonde hair with lighter tips on the end of his bangs. He has the brightest and most shocking blue eyes I have ever seen. A dark, midnight blue around the outside, and an ice blue around his pupils. He has little dots of grey in his eyes as well. He is a little taller than me, and he definitely has a carefree attitude about him.

When he sees me staring he smiles, a genuine, kind, and gentle smile, almost as if he were shy. I look away, a little embarrassed that he had caught me looking at him. He starts walking in my direction and for a moment I think he might talk to me, but he veers to the right at the last minute and finds his locker, which of course is right across from mine. As I stuff my things in my locker, I feel a pair of eyes on me, watching me. Turning my head around I see that he's looked away as I look back at him. I then slam my locker shut and walk towards Sienna's locker, where she is trying to stuff her science textbook into her locker.


Sienna's not paying attention though. She huffs in frustration. I laugh. "Looks like someone's had a bad day."

"Ugh this stupid locker is too small!"

She shoots me an angry look. "This is so not funny".

"Yeah it kinda is," I say, still giggling. Sienna shuts her locker with a final "humph".

"Whatever let's just go to lunch."

"Okay grumpy pants." As we walk down the hallway to the cafeteria, I keep thinking about the boy I had seen just moments ago. There was something about his electrifying eyes and his kind and gentle smile that made my stomach churn and my heart flutter like a thousand butterflies were inside of me. I longed to know his name. I felt like that was the one thing that I was missing and, if I knew his name, I would know him fully. I wonder if Sienna knows who he is. I turn toward her. "So who's the new guy?"

"Oh the one that just came today? That's Jason. He's in my creative writing class. Really good with poetry, but he's good in science too," she says scanning me over. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh just wondering is all". I look around the room for him, and see that he apparently already has friends here, because he already found a table with a group of guys. I watch him for a moment, studying his smile, and how he sits in a very relaxed way. Jason. What a nice name. I have a feeling my days here are going to be a little different now.

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