Chapter 6- Andrew

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"It's been almost a week now, and he still hasn't said hi to me yet," I say to Sienna as we sit in the pavilion.

"Well, maybe he's just shy or doesn't want to say the wrong thing." She says getting out her notebook for her writing class.

"First off, he's anything but shy, and second, how is saying hi the wrong thing?" I ask in frustration. But Sienna's not listening to me anymore. She's looking, no not looking, staring at a boy who has just walked into the pavilion. It just so happens that this boy is someone she's had a crush on for 7 years. His name: Andrew. Andrew is many things, and luckily a jerk isn't one of them. He's part jock, part nerd, part class clown, and part popular kid. And according to Sienna, he's gorgeous. With his short, dark brown hair, bright green eyes, and his smile with little dimples, he was irresistible. I have agreed to disagree on that. I on the other hand, have never had a crush on anyone at this school until Jason showed up. Every time he glances at me, smiles, or waves at me, I get so many butterflies in my stomach I feel like I'm going to fly away. It's cheesy I know, but its true. And I know it's the same thing for Sienna with Andrew. But we are both too chicken to do anything about it. As I look over to Andrew, I see he's walked in with Jason and my heart skips a few beats. Meanwhile Sienna is practically drooling as she stares at Andrew. Andrew looks back at Sienna with a bright sparkle in his eyes. Its clear that he likes her. I mean, the whole school is practically calling them a OTP (One True Pair) for gosh sakes. They're bound to be together, it's only a matter of time. As I look at Jason, I see him look at me with his gorgeous blue eyes. I don't look away this time, so we end up staring at each other for a good five minutes until Sienna waves her hand across my face. "Earth to Klayre, hello?"

"Oh sorry, I was umm..." I trail off, not knowing what to say.

"You were staring at Jason weren't you?" she muses.

"Oh and you're any better? You were practically drooling over Andrew."

"Okay fine, so we both were staring at them, can we agree on that?" she asks, smiling. I roll my eyes but smile back in agreement. For the rest of lunch, we sit there eating, glancing at our crushes from time to time, not sure how to make the first move, if we were going to make it at all.

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