Particle "wa"

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Particle "wa" わ - Is a subject or topic, indicator, it follows the person or thing under discussion in the sentence.


Eigo (English) - Nihongo

I am a Filipino - Watashi "wa" Firipinjin desu.

She is a student - Kanojo "wa" gakusei desu.

He is a foreigner - Kare "wa" gaijin desu.

The student is a female - Gakusei "wa" onna desu.

The teacher is a male - Sensei "wa" otoko desu.

I am a female - Watashi "wa" onna desu.

She is a Japanese - Kanojo "wa" Nihonjin desu.

The child is a female - Kodomo "wa" onna desu.

She is a person - Kanojo "wa" hito desu.

The child is an American - Kodomo "wa" Amerikajin desu.

Try to make sentences :) Use the pronoun and noun. And also don't forget to use the particle "wa".

Pattern: (Pronoun) wa (noun) desu.

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