Jjang jjang man boong boong

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Your pov

The next day, we follow our lecturers to have a look around here. We arrived at some shops and cafes along the street. The lecturers along with Mr. Kin SeokJin give us some time to be here and so I enter a coffee shop with Krystal to have some snacks.

As we are busy talking, Jungkook suddenly comes to our table with a glass of iced americano in his hand.

"Why are you following me?" I asked him as he takes a seat next to me.

"Can't I follow my girlfriend around?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow and earned a gasp from Krystal.

"So you guys are really a couple?!" Krystal asked in shock.

Jungkook looks at her with a grin, "C'mon can't you even tell?" He sips on his americano.

"Stop being nonsense" I glared at him and grab a bite of my cheesecake.

"I want some.." He cooed like a baby to me. I stop eating and stare at this guy beside of me. What is he doing?

"Before you guys get too lovey dovey, I'm out of here" Krystal said with a chuckle as she quickly gets up and walks out from the cafe.

"Wait Krystal!" I shouted her name but she's already out.

"It's your fault!" I glared at Jungkook but he smiles innocently at me.

"I'm still waiting for the cheesecake" he stated cutely.

"Order it yourself"

"I want you to feed me" Jungkook bluntly said and I just crossed my arms.

"Why would I do that? I'm not your girlfriend"

"Please?" He asked me with such innocent face. I couldn't take it anymore of his behaviour.

Finally I feed him a bite of my cheesecake and he grins widely while eating it.

"It tastes much better when you feed me" he said like a kid. I couldn't help but to smile at his act. Sometimes he could be scary and a bully but actually he is such a big baby inside.

While I'm talking to Jungkook, my eyes caught a familiar figure in the coffee shop. I feel like the time had just stopped and my heart just sank to my stomach. It even hurts to see him smiling widely as he is holding to his girlfriend's hand.

"Are you listening? Hey---" Jungkook asked me but then he looks at the direction which I'm staring at. Then he looks back at me with a concern eyes.

"Let's get out from here" I said to him, trying to hold back my tears. Jungkook didn't move but I already stand up to leave the place but unfortunately when I almost walk out from the coffee shop, I bumped into them.

Yoongi and his new girlfriend. Holding each other's hands tightly infront of me. Yoongi looks happy with such a wide gummy smile plastered on his face.

"Oh! -----? Why are you here? I thought you're studying" Yoongi asked me but I couldn't reply to him.

"Oppa, who is she? You know her?" His girlfriend asked him. He looks dumbfounded for awhile. I stare at his eyes, trying hard not to show my pain.

"She is my friend.. Well --------, are you here by yourself?" He asked me while rubbing his nape awkwardly.

"She's with me" Jungkook showed up next to me as he holds my hand and brings it to his lips, softly kisses the back of my hand.

"You? --------? Is this your boyfriend now?" Yoongi glared at Jungkook.

I look up to Jungkook, he gives me that look signaling me to say that he is my boyfriend. I hesitated at first but I can't lose to Yoongi. "Yes. He is my boyfriend" I answered him as I hold Jungkook's arm. I could see Jungkook is smiling in satisfied.

"Why are you with this guy? You know Jungkook isn't a good guy" Yoongi gritted his teeth.

"Y-you know Jungkook?" I asked him then I look back to Jungkook. "Jungkook?"

"We knew each other very well. I'll explain to you later babe." Jungkook wraps his hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Yah Yoongi, ask your little kids not to show up infront of me and Jimin again. You know you guys are no match for us" Jungkook said arrogantly, earning a disbelief chuckled from Yoongi.

"You guys injured them badly and you expect us not to show up again?" Yoongi takes a step closer to Jungkook. "Just wait for the pay back" he glared at Jungkook then he looks back at me.

"Take care of yourself with a jerk like him" Yoongi stated to me.

"And take care of your new bitch" Jungkook retorted as he grabs my hand and drags me out from the coffee shop.

"Mind explain how you knew him?" I asked Jungkook who is still holding my hand tightly.

"Mind tell me why you dated him?" He asked back at me. I stayed silent then we stopped and have a seat on the park bench.

Jungkook started to tell me the whole story of how he knows Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon. Since that one little fight, they keep messing around with Jungkook and Jimin. I know Hoseok and Namjoon, they used to meet me up whenever Yoongi is busy. Turned out they all related to each other.

After that I tell Jungkook about the story of me and Yoongi. How he changed my life.. how he made me trusts love. I couldn't help but to cry when I tell him about it.

"That's why you're scared of love? You're scared if you get heartbroken again.." Jungkook said softly as he watched me crying beside of him. He scoots closer to me and holds my face gently as he makes me to look at him.

"Don't be scared. I'm here for you.. When I say I love you, I really mean it. I don't care if you want to reject me again because I understand your condition right now but please.. trust me." Jungkook wipes the tears under my eyes using his thumb. His eyes stares right into my eyes with a concern look yet honest eyes.

"You don't know how much pain you caused me. You don't know how much I love you.. but of course.. who would trust me? I'm just a jerk in everybody's eyes. Jeon Jungkook. A big player and a bully.. who would want to be with me?" His voice cracked a little and he sounds so depressed. I could see tears starting to form in his eyes but he still manage to smile at me.

My body just froze there and I barely can even speak. My tears keep flowing out from my eyes. I hate to see him like this. I hate to be the cause of this. He slowly removed his hands from my face as he looks down. He takes a deep breath then he wanted to walk away but I hold his hand tightly. I don't want him to go. Jungkook looks over to me as his tears finally flows down on his cheek. I pull him to me as I kiss him while wrapping my arms around his neck. He is shocked at first but he kisses me back as his hands are around my waist keeping me secured in his arms.

I pulled out from the kiss and stare him right into his teary eyes. "I'm sorry" I said as I hold his face. He smiles at me and lets out a sigh.

"You're still rejecting me?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I can't accept you easily can I? I want to trust you first.. prove it to me that you're not that kind of jerk" I smile at him and he nodded his head.

"Anything for you" he hugs me tightly and I hug him back.

"Wooooooo a couple has formed here!" Mr. Kim SeokJin said along with some students. We break the hug and look over at them to see their evil grin.

"THIS IS GOING TO BE A HUGE NEWS" A boy from our class shouted as he runs away while texting.

"Prepare yourselves when we get back to the campus! There will be rumors!" Mr. Kim SeokJin shouted then he walks away.



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