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Jungkook's pov.

My eyes widened as I hear my mom calling my name. Damn it! I forgot today is the day they return from their business trip.

I quickly wear my clothes and asked ———— to wear hers.

"Take this. Pretend like we're studying" I grab one of my books and give it to her. Then I quickly wear my  round glasses and fix my hair.

"Wow I can't believe your mom doesn't know your true color" She chuckled as she hurriedly make the bed.

I sighed and run out from my room. I run downstairs and there are my parents smiling at me while still putting their luggages on the living room.

"Welcome mom, dad" I smiled as I hug them.

"What were you doing upstairs? It took you for awhile to come down" My dad asked as he takes off his jacket.

"I was studying while listening to music. My girlfriend is here to help me with my studies" I said softly while fixing my glasses.

"Oh? You have a girlfriend already?" My mom asked.

"I-I mean... why not.."

I look toward the staircase and she is coming down with some books on her hands.

"She's your girlfriend?" My dad asked while pointing at her.

I smiled as I take her hand and hold it tightly.

"Yes she is"

"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Jeon. I'm ———" She bowed to my parents politely.

"Well I think Jungkook chose the right girl. Because this honey bunny over here said to me that he will only introduce the right girl to us, right honey?" My mom asked my dad and my dad nodded his head. I could see she is blushing as she smiles shyly.

"Well since it's our first time meeting each other, let's join us for lunch!" My dad said in excitement.

"Sure, let me go and change my clothes first" I said and leave them there as I run upstairs.


Jimin's pov.

I arrived at the cafe that my father asked me to meet at. I spot him and straightly go to him.

"What's wrong this time?" I asked him with a poker face on. He sighed while asking me to have a seat first and so I did.

"There's nothing wrong. I just missed you"

His words make me chuckle a little.

"Seriously? You called me just to say you miss me?" I look at him while tapping my fingers on the table.

"Is it wrong for a father to meet up with his own son?" He slightly raised his voice but then he lets out a heavy sigh.

"Anyways.. how are you? Are you and ———— doing well?" He asked as he sips on his cappuchino.

"I'm good. We're good. There is nothing to worry about" I said as simple as that.

Such awkward silence filled up between us and I just look away to make it less awkward but then I realized he is staring at me.

"What is it?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Is that a cut on your lips? Did you get into a fight?" He points at my lips with a concerning look.

"No.. I just fell from the stairs" I answered softly which makes him let out another sigh. Then he pulls his chair closer towards me.

"You might see me as a careless father who doesn't have much interest in you and I know you even hate me more after mom left us... but it's not true."

I look up at him in shock. Well to be honest, I never expected him to say something like this.

"It's true. It happened. You never care about me... All you do is just always giving me my monthly allowances then what? We even meet like once in three months? What kind of a father are you? You abandoned me" I gritted my teeth as I hold in my tears.

"Don't say like that. Do you know how hard it is for me to live after mom left? At that time, it was so hard for me to move on with my own life but I have you. I have to take care of you... and everytime I see you, you remind me alot of her. You have her smile, her eyes, her laugh... It made me so hard to even look at you." He said and I could see him getting teary-eyed.

He holds my shoulder as he looks at me softly, "I admit it.. I abandoned you. What kind of a father am I? I asked you to move out, I make you live by yourself without any company, without love, without someone that care for you.. I'm sorry for that." He said and he quickly looks away to hide his visible tears.

"F-father... I.. I'm okay living like that but it just.. I miss you sometimes. I felt lonely most of the times and I only have Jungkook as my bestfriend but now that I have a stepsister, I think my loneliness starts to go away." I smile a little as I pat his shoulder. I used to hate him so much but after he explained everything, I understand him now. I can't blame my own father for so long, can I?

"I love you son. I mean that." My father smiled as he hugs me and I can't help but to sob quietly on his coat. I miss his warm hug, I miss the way he used to show affection to me and now, for the first time in forever, he embraces me into his arms once again. I feel my life is starting to get together now and I'm thankful for that.


I walk out from the cafe happily as I keep humming to my favorite song. The day is looking better than ever! The sun is shining brightly and it's such a good day to walk outside.

"Yah Jimin!"

I heard someone called my name from behind and I turned around and see Yoongi with his gang.

Oh great. What do they want now?

"What?" I asked them and Yoongi slowly walking toward me, leavingNamjoon and Hoseok behind him.

"Let's end this rivalry. I told my boys not to mess with you and Jungkook anymore. Enough is enough.. I'm tired of it." Yoongi said with his poker face.

"Do you think I'd believe you?" I smirked at him cheekily.

"No, I'm serious. And I want to apologize for what I did to ———— and Jungkook. I don't know what got into me that time.. I was such a fool" He sighed.

"Do you really mean it?"

"You can keep my words"

I still can't believe that he finally apologized. As I keep staring at him in disbelief, Namjoon and Hoseok approach us.

"We're sorry Jimin. We really do" Hoseok said with a smile of his that I never seen. He actually looks so innocent when he smiles like that.

"We're adults now, we can't always fight whenever we meet.. it's childish and about that night, we regret it alot" Namjoon speaks while patting on my shoulder.

"I know ———— won't forgive me for what I have done but... I hope you can talk to her about this" Yoongi pressed his lips into a thin line. I just nodded my head because I'm still in disbelief.

"If there's anybody trying to mess with you guys then we can help" Yoongi smirks playfully.

"S-sure.. so we're cool now?" I asked them.

"We're brothers now, okay?" Yoongi smiled at me.

After the short conversations, they left me and I'm still standing there in shocked. Today is really such a good day!

I have to tell Jungkook about this. I smile as the thought of my problems started to settle down one by one.

And for ————, I'm just happy she's with Jungkook. The only man I trust is Jungkook so they are a perfect couple. I only wish them happiness.



Should I do a Q&A?

Btw, I love you guys so much. I'm already thankful enough when you guys found my story and I can't thank you enough when you guys support it. I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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