Part 6: True Colors

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Last upload for a while, I'll be adding more to this part . . . but this is sorta my way of thanking you guys for all the love, votes, and views thus far!

Thank you!


Taking a deep breath, David made a choice. He let Marianna go, grabbed a rope and an axe, then jumped down behind her. As the two landed, the Woodscouts quickly advanced. 

"Shit . . ." David muttered.

Marianna looked up at the red head, there was something different about him. David grabbed Marianna's hand, pulling her to her feet, and like that the two were off.

"What's the plan, red?" Marianna panted.

"Run faster!" David sternly said.

"I could've thought of that . . . anything else?"

"Just trust me." David sighed, pulling her around a corner.

Dead-end. Marianna leaned against the back wall as David stood and looked at the campers. It was like a showdown in one of those spaghetti westerns. As the campers walked up on them, David covered his mouth with his bandanna. 

"Marianna, cover your eyes!" David screamed.

Complying with what he said, Marianna covered her eyes. David reached in his pocket and threw down a flash bomb, blinding the campers. David lifted Marianna into his arms, then zipped out of the alley while carrying her bridal style. Running around the labyrinth-like prison that is the Woodscouts camp, David found a blindspot away from all the fighting.

"We can rest for now . . ." David sighed.

"This went from being a recovery mission to an all out war . . . no wonder Max hates me." Marianna sighed, "Look at the mess I've made."

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't say that . . . we're only looking out for our own." David said, taking a knee.

"I've started a camp war, David! There are probably dead children out there!" Marianna snapped, tears streaming down her face, "I fucked up . . .okay?! I-I I fucking . . . fucked up!!!" 

Marianna finally broke down into tears, pulling her hoodie above her head.

Marianna finally broke down into tears, pulling her hoodie above her head

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David blushed, not sure what to do. It was one thing if a camper was crying, but it's a whole different thing if there's a woman crying. With a sigh, David wrapped an arm around Marianna awkwardly and rubbed her shoulder. Suddenly, she slowly began to stop crying.

"There we go, who's a happy camper?" David said, revealing his soft smile from behind his bandanna.

"*sniff* M-Me?" Marianna asked, wiping her eyes.

"Who's my happy camper?" David giggled.

Marianna resigned, smiling as she leaned into David. She was thankful that Max had such a kind person looking after him in her absence. Camp Camp was quite the escape from the horror show that was home. Suddenly, everything went silent. Marianna and David peeked around the corner.

Camp Camp AU: Max's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now