Part 8: Marianna's Bad Side

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HOLY SHIT! I've been gone for a hot minute . . . sorry about that loves, here's the next part of the story.


"I'll fucking kill him . . ." Max growled, nearly throttling Mister Honeynuts.

He was mad . . . no, it was more than that. David had tainted something precious to him, and now he wanted to get even. As he paced the dirt floor of his tent, he wondered how he was suppose to get back at David for stealing Marianna's soul . . . but nothing was coming to him.

"For the first time, I have no idea what to do." Max groaned, "Help me, Mr. Honeynuts!"

Max looked down at the stuffed animal in his hands, even if the bear could speak . . . he wouldn't know what to do either. Max knew he had to get rid of David . . .  otherwise he'd lose the only person that actually understood him. Meanwhile, Max wasn't the only one that seemed to have an issue with David and Marianna's "relationship".

"Hey Marianna." A familiar voice greeted.

Marianna looked up from the pier, pleased to see Gwen standing behind her. Lifting her feet from the water, Marianna approached Gwen. She looked to be the purest human being in the world . . . and it was beginning to piss Gwen off!

"What's up Gwen?" Marianna asked.

"Listen, I know you've got this whole 'image' thing you've got going or whatever . . . but leave David out of it." Gwen said.

"E-excuse me?" Marianna asked.

"Don't play dumb, Little Miss Tabloid!" Gwen hissed, "I know you're just after David for a spike in your fan-base."

Marianna looked at Gwen, listening as she began ranting about how she was wrong for supposedly using David for publicity and how she was a terrible person who was manipulative and snobby. At some point, Marianna had heard enough. She was sick of people telling her what she was thinking and what she was going to do . . . people like that should never speak, never be heard . . . and cease to exist all together.

"Shut up . . ." Marianna muttered.

"What? Did I actually heart you somewhere fragile?" Gwen said, smugly. "Did I hurt you feelings?"

Suddenly, Marianna gave Gwen a glare that would've killed. She tackled the young woman to the ground pining her beneath her. Gwen looked up in surprise, the emotionless expression on Marianna's once cheerful face. 

"I'm sick of it." Marianna said, "I'm sick of people telling me what I am."

"Get off of me!" Gwen snapped.

"SHUT UP!!!" Marianna screamed, punching a whole in the peer.

All the color drained from Gwen's face as Marianna looked down at her with expressionless eyes. There was something different about her gaze . . . something not normal. 

"I'm not an idiot . . . Gwen." Marianna said, "I know about your passive-aggressive love/hate relationship with Davey."

"W-what are you talking about?" Gwen asked.

"The way you treat him . . . the way you talk to him . . . It's pretty obvious!" Marianna laughed, "You wear your heart on your chest like the mindless drone you are."

"What?! I do not!" Gwen snapped.

"Whatever! The point is . . . I'm not as slow and dimwitted as you think . . . I mean, you've seen Max at his worst. " Marianna sighed, "I'M . . . NOT . . . MAX!!!"

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