Part 11: Remember the Past

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Long ago, there was a young Native maiden by the name of  Aiyana. She was the daughter of the most prominent healer within the Red Paint Clan. While her mother was busy tending to the wounds of those fresh from battle or hunting, Aiyana would wander the forest in search of herbs and berries. One day, whilst she was searching . . . Aiyana came across a young man. He was hanging from a tree by his feet and he was terribly injured. 

"Who are you?" Aiyana asked.

"I-I am Akando .  . ." the man said, "I come from the Wolf Clan!"

"What has happened to you?" She asked, "How did you sustain such injuries?" 

"Never you mind!" He snapped, "You are from the Red Paint Clan, is that so?"

Aiyana nodded, still a bit shaken from when he raised his voice to her. 

"Well .  . . help me down from here!" Akando snapped, "I don't have all day!"

Aiyana nodded, making quick work of her hands. Once the rope was undone, Akando fell to the ground with a crash. As the boy picked himself up, Aiyana back away slowly. 

"Jeez, you sure suck at your job!" Akando chastised, "Aren't healers supposed to -oh, I don't know- heal people?!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Aiyana said, "I don't have anything to heal with!"

"What?! What kind of healer can't heal?!" He snapped.

"Stop screaming at me!" Aiyana snapped, "Is that anyway to speak to the prominent healer's daughter?!" 

Akando froze, covering his mouth with his hand. He hadn't realized that Aiyana was the daughter of the prominent healer. If he wasn't careful, it could mean trouble for the entire Wolf clan. With great care, Akando relaxed himself and rose to his feet.

"Look . . . I'm sorry for yelling at you." Akando said, "I'm just - in a bad mood."

Aiyana's damp eyes soften at the man's guilty expression. It was hard to be angry with someone from the Wolf Clan . . . they were vacant of anything remotely close to being calm and composed. The acted quickly and struck hard, much like savages. Still, Aiyana couldn't deny that he was a rather strapping young man . . . and he had pretty eyes.

 and he had pretty eyes

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"Is that . . . Grandma?" Marianna gasped.

"Woah! Grandpa was kinda an asshole when he was young." Max commented.

"Yeah, I wonder who that reminds me of." Gwen muttered.

"I heard that!" Max snapped.

Your grandparents may have had a rough first encounter, but they learned to love each other. As such . . . they were able to accept each other's faults and learned to co-exist!

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