Part 9: Spiritual Encounter

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Thank you guys for following this story! I really do appreciate all the love and support from everyone! 

I hope you guys like this . . . I really but some time  and thought into this one.


After her encounter with Marianna, Gwen made sure to keep a close eye on both her and Max. There was something weird going on . . . But she wasn't sure what. As she finished up her counselor duties for the day, by which consisted of tending to David's wounds and keeping Nerf from murdering the other campers. However, once David had control of the campers, Gwen returned to her post and began watching her soaps. 

Meanwhile, Marianna had been watching the campers go on with their daily activities. As she surveys the campers at work, Marianna can't help but snicker at how Max interacts with his friends. Suddenly, a large bird began to hover over head.

"Hey everybody! Have a look!" David cheerfully called to the campers, "We have a guest watching us from up above!" 

"What the hell are you going on about, David?" Max asked.

"I hope that isn't suppose to be a Christianity blurb." Neil hissed.

"No . . . I think he's talking about that eagle flying over head." Nikki said, pointing at the bird.

Marianna looked up at the bird, it appeared to be a simple falcon possibly in search of a snack . . . so she tried to brush it off. However, Max seemed to notice something odd about the bird.

"Wait a second . . ." Max said, squinting to get a better look.

As if like clockwork, the bird swooped down with great speed. Marianna looked to Max, who's face paled in fear. Looking back up at the bird, Marianna realized that it was something of concern. The bird touched down in front of her, and in its mouth it held a rolled up sheet of parchment paper.

"a ni tsi s qua . . ." Max muttered.

With trembling hands, Marianna took the letter. The bird perched itself on a nearby tree, watching them all with sharp eyes. As she read the letter, Marianna went pale. She looked at Max, swallowing hard in her throat. The other campers surveyed the bird, David keeping a close eye on Marianna. He knew there was something wrong. Wit swift movements, Marianna made a rush for Max and dragged the small child away from the crowd. Once they were alone, Marianna sat Max down and took a deep breath.

"What the hell is with the messenger bird?" Max snapped.

"This is bad . . ." Marianna said, hand over her mouth.

"What's the problem?" Max asked.

"This message is from the Grand Elders!" Marianna said, "And its not good!" 

"Well . . . what does it say?!" Max snapped.

"I can't believe they're making us do this . . . this is ridiculous." Marianna growled.

"Will you just tell me what the fuck the letter says?!" Max screamed.

Marianna slapped her hand over Max's mouth, looking around to make sure they weren't followed. Once she was sure they were alone, she calmed down and began to explain.

As you know Max, there are seven clans within the  Cherokee community. There are the child healers, the peace keepers, the messengers, the prominent healers, the hunters, the farmers, and the protectors. These clans work together as one nation, which is that of the Cherokee . . . however recently, there has been turmoil in the community. The seven clans have begun to fight after losing our land to the Europeans. 

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