Part 5: Bad Ass Mode

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Holy s***! There are a lot of you now . . . that's so cool! I'm glad you guys love the story, and sorry for the long wait.



"So what exactly is my initiation?" Max asked.

"Nothing to hard . . . after all, you're just a cadet." Edward smiled.

"Oh thank god!" Max sighed.

"All you have to do . . . is beat Petrol in a fight." Edward smiled.

Max felt his heart drop, Petrol was the largest boy in the camp. Which meant, Max was about to be broken in about 20 different places . . . if he even had that many places to break.

"Looks like the end, Max. Unless you've got one hell of a plan, we're both fucked!" Max thought.

"Shut up! I'm working on it!" Max hissed.

The boys formed a circle around Petrol and Max, leaving enough room for the carnage to unfold. Clearly the odds were against Max, but that didn't stop him. With a sigh, he stands up straight and prepares to fight.

"You're gonna fucking fight him?!" Max snapped.

"Fucking shut up!" Max snapped, holding his head.

In that moment, Max missed when Petrol moved closer . . . earning himself a quick and painful punch to the face. Regaining his footing, Max took a breath and focused. Suddenly, as if some kind of saving grace . . .

"Sir! We're being attacked!" A wood scout snapped.


"Relax, you big babies . . ." Marianna laughed, "They're just me and Max's old BB guns."

"Why did you and Max have BB Guns?" David asked.

"Do you really need to ask? We're horrible kids . . . now, who's ready to run in guns blazing?!"

The kids gathered around Marianna as she handed them guns and ammo, Gwen and David shrugged and suited up as well. Once everyone was armed, the camp rushed towards the Woodscouts camp, leaving the other parents in awe.

"That is one bad ass girl . . ." Mrs. Nurfington said.

"Quite inspirational if you ask me." Carl said.

"I agree, I've never seen such an interesting team-building exercise" said Agent Miller 

"Especially at night . . . reminds me of when we went to base camp."  the other agent Miller sighed.

"Reach for the sky, you mentally destroyed, adolescent, little shits!" Marianna screamed from above.

Beside her stood, Nikki, Gwen, Neil, and David, all pointing their guns at the group of boys. Edward smirked, not only was it such a small group . . . but it mostly consisted of girls. How pathetic! With a snap of his fingers, Edward summoned his burliest of campers.

"Seize them!" Edward calmly said.

"Prepárate para conocer al Diablo, tu pequeño folla." Marianna roared.

A/N: Translation - "Prepare to meet the Devil, you little f***s."

"Oh, you guys are gonna get fucked!" Max said with a smug grin.

"Give 'em hell! Show no mercy!" Gwen screamed.

Gunfire began to sound from every direction, the woodscouts were stunned before taking shelter in their cabins. Marianna looked to Nikki and Neil before handing them a plastic bag, Nikki snatched the bag and opened it.

"Paint grenades . . . homemade, high quality paint grenades." Nikki smiled, her face basically beaming.

"Isn't this a bit much?" Neil asked.

"What part of 'No Mercy', aren't you understanding kid?" Gwen asked, taking a grenade, "Fire in the hole!"

As she chucked the grenade to the ground, Max quickly dove out of the way. Marianna punched Gwen in the arm, warning to be more careful where she throws the next one. Meanwhile, David was still deciding whether to participate or not. Marianna sighed, rubbing her temple.

"David!" She called, causing him to jolt, "Why aren't you firing?!"

"I-I just don't . . . I thought that . . ." David stammered, "Mari . . . these are kids we're shooting at."

"Oh come on, they kidnapped Max . . . abused him . . . and now you wanna chicken out on me?!" Marianna snapped.

"Fire at will!" Edward screamed.

The woodscouts began to retaliate with slingshots, returning fire with rocks. Marianna and David ducked as the barrage was fired.

"See that?! They're out for blood, David." Marianna snapped, "This isn't some camp activity . . . this is war!" 

"Those are kids . . . someone's child, and I refuse to hurt them!" David replied.

"Goddamn it, Davey!" Marianna snapped, "You're gonna get us all killed with that pathetic attitude of yours." 

Suddenly, a rock struck Marianna in the head. She fell forward, holding her head as she regained herself. 

"You little . . . eat BB pellets!" Marianna snapped, firing back.

"Hit the woman! She's the leader!" Edward said.

The woodscouts aimed for Marianna, to Max's displeasure. He ran at Edward with all his might, but was knocked to the ground by Petrol. 

"Max!" Marianna called.

"Look out!" Max screamed.

Marianna looked around, unaware of the nearby danger. Suddenly, Marianna was knocked forward by a rock in the opposite direction . . . thrown by a short boy with an eye patch. Going over the edge of the wall she once stood on, Marianna looked down at the hazard pit below.

"David! Pull me up, quickly!!!" Marianna called.

David reached out for Marianna's hand, but noticed that the wall was beginning to give away. He looked behind him, the boys were combining their strength to get them down. David had to make a choice, go down or pull Marianna back up.

"David . . . hurry up!" Marianna screamed, slowly losing her grip.

 hurry up!" Marianna screamed, slowly losing her grip

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Camp Camp AU: Max's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now